

  • 756 BCE

    Foundation of Rome

    Foundation of Rome
    The twins brothers Romulus and Remus who were raised by a wolf, founded a city with seven hills called Rome.
  • 264 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    First Punic War begins against Carthage
  • 216 BCE

    Second Punic War

    Second Punic War
    Hannibal Barca humiliate Roman Forces at the battle of Cannae
  • 146 BCE

    Third Punic War

    Third Punic War
    Rome crushes Carthage
  • 107 BCE

    Gaius Marius The Military Reforms

    Gaius Marius The Military Reforms
    The Marian reforms were a group of military reforms initiated by Gaius Marius, a statesman and general of the Roman Republic.
  • 100 BCE

    Birth of Julius Caesar

    Birth of Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar was born into a Aristocratic Family
  • 73 BCE

    Spartacus Rebellion

    Spartacus Rebellion
    Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator who was one of the escaped slave leaders against the Roman Republic.
  • 59 BCE

    Foundation of the First Triumvirate

    Foundation of the First Triumvirate
    Is founded the first triumvirate with Caesar, Crassus and Pompey. Then Caesar became a Consul of Rome
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar Crossed The Rubicon River

    Caesar Crossed The Rubicon River
    Caesar Crossed The Rubicon River starting a civil war agains Pompey The Great
  • 48 BCE

    Pompey was killed

    Pompey was killed
    With Pompey death, Caesar was the Dictator and Consul of Rome, he had total control of all the holdings
  • 44 BCE

    Caesar is Assassinated

    Caesar is Assassinated
    Caesar was killed with 23 stabs on the floor of the Government by the Roman Senators
  • 31 BCE

    Battle of Actium

    Battle of Actium
    The Battle of Actium was the decisive confrontation of the Final War of the Roman Republic, a naval engagement between Octavian and the combined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra
  • 27 BCE

    Octavian Granted Extraordinary Powers By The Senate

    Octavian Granted Extraordinary Powers By The Senate
    Ending the Roman Republic and starting the Roman Empire. Octavian use the name: "Caesar Augustus" and becomes the first Roman Emperor