Reinados de Carlos IV y Fernando VII

By Neklaz
  • Period: to

    Goya as a Costumbrista Painter

    During this period of time, Goya painted tapestry cartoons which were influenced by Rococo and were happy and optimistic. Some examples of these paintings are: La merienda a orillas del Manzanares or La Cometa.
  • Beginning of the reign of Carlos IV

  • Period: to

    Goya as a Court Painter

    During this period, Goya mostly made paintings of the royal family such as: La Familia de Carlos IV, retrato de Manuel Godoy or la Maja vestida.
  • Period: to

    Goya as a Contemporary artist

    Goya as a Contemporary artist/ Black paintings
    Because of a deafness disease that Goya suffered,his paintings changed a lot and became pessimistic and dark. Some examples of these paintings are: Perro semihundido or Saturno devorando a su hijo
  • Fontainebleau Treaty

    Godoy and Napoleón sign this treaty which opens the spanish borders to French troops so they can travel to Portugal
  • Abdications of Bayona

    Napoleón takes Carlos IV and Ferdinand the VII to Bayona, where he tricks them to abdicate to his name. Napoleón then has the crown of Spain which he gives to his brother, Joseph Bonaparte.