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Literacy Timeline

By sweet02
  • My Birth

  • Mom read to me

    She would read me bedtime stories and as I got older my mom had me read to her to get me to read more.
  • My first library card

    the first book i checked out was about kittens
  • Kindergaten

    During kindergarten, my teacher had us read during low activity times. We played reading games and did lesson plans on different words and letters.
  • Pre-first

  • Literacy Summer Program

  • First Grade

  • Second Grade

  • Third Grade

  • Fourth Grade

  • Sixth Grade

    I was in the accelerated reader program or as we called it speed reading
  • Middle School

    During middle school, i had some problems in english class with the english assignments. On otherhand i struggled through middle school just in english class.
  • High School

  • I started reading more diverse books

    I got into vampire and sci-fi books. I also am a huge fan of mystery books
  • Start day at HCC

  • Changed my mjor to Early Childhood Education

    I tried doing the pediatrician degree and i falled medicine classes badly to Early Childhood Education degree
  • Taking courses at HCC