Refuges timeline

  • Benefits for local community

    Benefits for local community
    First of all, the new entepreneuships created by the refugees would boost the local economy and would provide opportunities to the locals to experience new things, for example trying different couisines. Also, the children would learn to help the others as they would see the efforts to improve the quality of their vies. In addition our city would attract the interest of others and it would inspire them to do the same.
  • Help refugees to integrate

    Help refugees to integrate
    The ways we can help the refugees to be integrated in the local community.
  • What entepreneneuship could be developped

    What entepreneneuship could be developped
    Due to the fact that in our city do not exists restaurants with food from others countries, it would be a very good idea to create restaurants with dishes from their countries. Besides, they could learn to make handmade things for example jewelery or mend torn clothes, jobes that could not be easily found here.
  • the number of refugees that could be integrated in our city

    the number of refugees that could be integrated in our city
    In our city exists the ability to settle many refugees because there is a lot of free spaces such as the old hotel Xenias where camps could be created in order to house them.
  • the ways school could help

    the ways school could help
    One way school could help is to organize charitably events in which the students could donnate old clothes, or toys they do not need anymore, money or food supplies. Furthermore, the teachers could create a theatre group and the income would be offered to the camps for refugees.