Vlcsnap 2014 02 20 17h57m35s123

Refugees Journey

  • Pakistani's and the Taliban

    Pakistani's and the Taliban
    The Taliban have been a ever present force in Pakistan for many years and they have continued to carry out attacks on their own people and the wider world. The Taliban took responsibility for the 9/11 bombings in America and have been ever present since.
  • Period: to

    Iraq War

    American and British troops invaded Iraq and ousted the leader, Saddam Hussein. This ultimately led to civilian deaths and people leaving the country because of war
  • Syrian Civil War

    Syrian Civil War
    The Syrian Civl wa began in 2011 and is still raging on. The protests have been focused around the displeasure of the Syrian community to the government. Since 2011, 1000's of civilians have been killed and the war doesn't look like it will be ending any time soon.