The nuber of people that can be succesfully integrated
Kozani has more than 50000 residents. If we take into account the percentage of refugges accepted by Tilos, we will see that we can accept 7000 refugges and succesfull integrate most of them into our community. -
In the city of Kozani there are three hotels where the refugees can stay for most of the time until we find them permanent housing or leave for other countries. -
The kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed
Adult refugees can look for work and we can help them. Our area is famous for the cultivation of safran and peaches. They will be a labor force and will help our farmers and us to highlight our city and increase tits tourism. -
The ways your school can help
My school can help young children understand Greek and help them get along with the locals. -
The potential benefits for our local community
Like in Tilos refugees receive a modest allowance that they can spend in local shops and like that help the economy of our city. With the moeny we can also develop our sights so more tourists come and visit our city