Immigration Minister announced that since the beginning of Operation Sovereign Borders in 2013, 25 boats carrying 698 asylum seekers have been turned back. -
It was reported that the last group of children held in immigration detention left on the evening of Friday 1 April. A few days later it was reported that at least two children remained in closed immigration detention. Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, later clarified that the announcement of no children left in detention was referring to children who arrived in Australia by boat. -
A New Zealand man detained in Villawood Immigration Detention Centre died. The Department of Immigration issued a statement, saying the man is suspected to have suffered a heart attack. The matter is subject to coronial inquiry. -
Asylum Seekers
Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, confirmed that of the 30,037 asylum seekers who are awaiting assessment of their protection claims in Australia after arriving by boat, 28,290 people are yet to have their cases assessed, while about 1,700 have been forced to leave or have left voluntarily. -
A refugee in Nauru was convicted of attempted suicide, which was recognised as a crime in Nauru at the time. The conviction followed an incident in January when he tried to take his life. -
Omid Masoumali, a refugee who was living in Nauru for three years set himself on fire. He was medically evacuated to Australia more than 24 hours later and died in a hospital in Brisbane on Friday 29 April 2016. -
Asylum Seekers
PNG’s Supreme Court ruled that the transfer and detention of asylum seekers on Manus Island are both illegal and in breach of the right to personal liberty in the PNG constitution. The Supreme Court ordered that immediate steps be taken to end the detention of asylum seekers in PNG. Australia’s Immigration Minister responded that the people detained in the centre would not be brought back to Australia. -
A young Somali refugee living in Nauru set herself on fire. She was later flown to Australia by air ambulance and at the time of this post, remains in hospital. Reports suggest that she was transferred from Brisbane Immigration Transit Accommodation to Nauru a week before the incident. She was initially transferred to Brisbane for medical treatment. -
Asylum Seekers
Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, blamed advocates for a series of incidents in Nauru, alleging they encourage asylum seekers and refugees in Nauru “to behave in a certain way”. -
Asylum Seekers
A group of 12 Sri Lankan asylum seekers whose boat was intercepted by Australian authorities near Cocos Island earlier in the week were screened at sea before being returned to Sri Lanka. They were reportedly arrested on arrival at Colombo airport. -
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