

By Nykerap
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    Beginning of refridgerator

  • First icebox

    First icebox
    The first domestic ice box appeared.
  • First use of frozen food storage

    First use of frozen food storage
    In the 1940’s, consumers utilized their chilly compartments as frozen food storage. During this period, fridges went mass market: by 1944, 85% of American households owned a refrigerator.
  • Urban homes with refridgerators

    Urban homes with refridgerators
    A refrigerator was found in more than 80% of American farms and more than 90% of urban households. With fresh pastel colors like turquoise and pink, the focus shifted to design.
  • Americans owning refridgerators

    Americans owning refridgerators
    80% of American households own a refrigerator.
  • Type of popular refridgerators

    Type of popular refridgerators
    More energy-efficient refrigerators and the removal of chlorofluorocarbons from refrigerated sealed systems became the focus.
  • More fridges being in use

    More fridges being in use
    In the 1980s, refrigerators were sturdy, functional, and long-lasting. A garage fridge like the one shown above can be found in a great number of Australian homes.
  • First energy labeled programs

    First energy labeled programs
    In several nations around the world, the first energy labeling measures have been adopted, allowing consumers to compare the energy efficiency of appliances such as refrigerators.
  • Internet added to appliances

    Internet added to appliances
    Companies started to apply the Internet of Things to home appliances. LG launched the world’s first connected refrigerator, and Samsung released models with Wi-Fi and cameras that help keep track of when food is about to become spoiled, which is a good resource and thing created.
  • American homes with refridgerators

    American homes with refridgerators
    Refrigerator is present in 99.5% of American homes.
  • Invented more cool refridgerators

    Invented more cool refridgerators
    Environmentally friendly designs are once again gaining popularity. With the Zero-Energy Bio Refrigerator concept, a Russian designer envisions a future fridge that uses a cooling gel to suspend and cool food.