Reforming Society

  • Lawrence Veiller

    Lawrence Veiller was a serrlement-house worker. Veiller campaigned tirelessly for improvment in houseing. In 1901 Veillersucceeded in gerring New York State Tenement House Act passed. This law required that any new tenenments be built around open courtyards to allow in light and air,and new buildings also had to contain one bathroom for each apartmentor for every three rooms
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    In 1909, Du Bois and a group of African American and white progressives met in New York City. It is here where they dicussed the lynching of two African American men in Springfield, Illinois, for the year before. From this metting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) is formed. This organization was formed to end racial discrimination.
  • First National Confrence on City Planning

    The First National Confrence on City Planning was held in hopes that wise planning could halt the spread of slums and beautify cities. They believe that making beautiful cities and impressive public architecture would bring partiotism among the immagrants. In 1909 leading architect and city planer Daniel Burnham produced a magnificent plan to redesigning Chicago. Burnham's plan was the first comprehensive plan to redesiginig a U.S. city
  • National Urban League

    The National Urban League was formed in 1911 to fight for racial equality. It was founded by concerned African Americans and white reformers. The league worked to improve job opportunities and housing for urban African Americans
  • Society of American Indians

    A group of 50 Americans Indians formed the Society of American Indians in 1911. The members discussed ways to improve cibil rights,education,health, and local government. Because of the Society publicized ath accomplishments of American Indians such as Plumpic gold medalist Jim Thorpe. And also lobbied against the use of insulting terms for Indians.
  • Pushing for Prohibition

    Congress have been battling with the issue of wether or not to ban alcoholic bevrages in the United States. There had been many organizations to push for prohibition, there was the Progressives, the Anti-Saloon League, and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Even former balllplayer Billy Sunday spoke up for the banding of ahocol by calling it "the parent of crimes and the mother of sins."
  • The 18th Amendmint-Prohibition

    In 1917 Congress had proposed the Sighteenth Amendment. The 18th Amendment would band the manufacturing,selling, and distribution of alchojolic beverages. It was ratified in 1919 by the states. But because it was hard to enforce and was unpopular, which led to its repal in 1933