Oct 28, 1381
Peasants' Revolt Begins
The revolt was brought on by an attempt on poll taxes.
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9cQ_cxRq5Ek/Ts02J0Vw-dI/AAAAAAAAEGQ/NDLuLMp3-eo/s1600/peasant.jpg -
Jun 15, 1415
John Wycliffe and Jan Huss speak out against the Catholic Church
Jan Huss was burned at the stake by the Catholic Church for hersery. and John Wycliffe translated the Bible into the vernacular.
http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/11/18911-004-E67BC342.jpg -
Mar 27, 1440
Johannes Gutenberg invents the Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press leads to a mass production of books. Martin Luther prints the Bible in the vernacular causing more people to educate themselves.
http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/d33f90fd8534c4adebc1593eb9559753_1M.png -
Apr 21, 1509
Henry VIII becomes King of England
Henry VIII was mainly known for his six wives.
http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/f113b12b57c3f80800b38e064193efa6_1M.png -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther Posts the 95 Theses
The Ninety-Five Theses attacked the sale of indulgences. Luther nailed the Theses to the Chuch door in Wittenburg.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OVo9a7KY_fk/T0xyGvPhKoI/AAAAAAAABdM/PVQQXQRx6ck/s1600/41_00007954_hugo-vogel_luther-95-theses-paint-by-h-vogel-c19.jpg -
Jan 3, 1521
Martin Luther is excommunicated
The Catholic Church excommunicated Martin Luther for going against the Church. The Church called Martin Luther so that he could defend his beliefs.
http://dougirish.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/luther-at-worms.jpg -
Nov 22, 1530
John Calvin breaks from the Catholic Chuch
John Calvin broke away from the Chuch because he didn't like their rules. He wanted to make his own. http://http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bqx9C7D_ilw/S8_BKJF_P4I/AAAAAAAAMgg/1QXXPh_fY0o/s1600/calvin-refusal.jpg -
Apr 1, 1534
England breaks away from the Catholic Church
Once Henry VIII found out that his wife couldn't give him a son he went to the Catholic Church and asked if he could have a divorce. The Church said no, and he broke away from the Church.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/Family_of_Henry_VIII_c_1545_detail.jpg/200px-Family_of_Henry_VIII_c_1545_detail.jpg -
May 18, 1534
Society of Jesus formed
Formed to spread Catholism around the world. Used as missionaries.
http://www.jesuits-anw.org/images/ignatius_christ.jpg -
Dec 13, 1545
Council of Trent begins
Council of Trent was formed to discuss church reforms.
http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/24cd6c14ed29a8f3377b6bff573a0807_1M.png -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace at Augsburg
Treaty between Charles V and Lutheran Princes. Ended religious struggle.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8d/Peace-of-augsburg_1555.jpg/390px-Peace-of-augsburg_1555.jpg -
Nov 17, 1558
Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England
Elizabeth I was known for ending the bloodshed her sister Mary had started, and united British isles under the Anglican Chuch.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Darnley_stage_3.jpg/220px-Darnley_stage_3.jpg -
Dec 4, 1563
Council of Trent ends
The Council of Trent ended with discussions on various topics
http://adampowers.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/council_of_trent1.jpg -
Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew Massacre in France
England defeats the Spanish Armada
Elizabeth I defeats the Spanish Armada. Spain attacked England, because they wanted to convert England to Catholic. Elizabeth accepted both religions.
http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/upload/img_400/BHC0262.JPG -
Edict of Nantes Issued
King Henry IV promoted peace. It allowed Huguenots to worship freely.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Edit_de_Nantes_Avril_1598.jpg/330px-Edit_de_Nantes_Avril_1598.jpg -
30 Years War Begins
The 30 Years War was a result of the Protestant Reformation. It was fought between Catholics and Protestants.
http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/37957908e4315224b8896de1655a9c0d_1M.png -
30 Years War Ends (Treaty of Westphalia)
The 30 Years War ended with the singing of the Treaty of Westphalia. Due to the signing of the treaty it ended war between Catholics and Protestants.
http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-473-488-90/17/1752/9PO3D00Z/posters/jonas-suyderhoef-the-peace-treaty-of-westphalia-the-treaty-signed-at-munster-which-ended-the-thirty-years-war.jpg -
Edict of Nantes Revoked
Protestanlism was made illegal. Due to this Protestants left France to places where they could practice their religion.