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By NinoB
  • 1330

    John Wycliffe

    John Wycliffe
    York Shire England. Died in December 31st 1384. Known for His translation in English bible.
  • 1369

    Jan Hus

    Jan Hus
    Born in 1370. Born place Husinec Bohemia. Known for anticipating in the Reformation and between the periods of Medieval. Died in July 6 1415.
  • Oct 27, 1469

    Desiderius Erasmus

    Desiderius Erasmus
    born in Rotterdam Holland. Became a classical author for a new testament author. died of old age.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    MArtin Luther

    MArtin Luther
    Born November 10, 1483. Saxony Germant. Known for his historic rebellion against the CAtholic church. Died in Febuary 18, 1546.
  • Jan 1, 1484

    Huldrych Zwingli

    Huldrych Zwingli
    Born in Toggenburg Sankt Gallen Switzerland. He helped Martin Luther and published. October 11 1531.
  • Jul 2, 1489

    Thomas Cranmer

    Thomas Cranmer
    Born on July 2, 1489 Nottinghamshire. First protestant and advisor to english King. Died in Mrch 21,1556.
  • 1490

    William Tyndale

    William Tyndale
    Born in 1490. Glucestershire, England. Known for An English scholar English bible translator and humanist. Died in October 6, 1536.
  • Jun 28, 1491

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Born in June 28,1491 near London, England. Near abondoned the Catholic church. Helped the Reformation. died in January 28, 1547.
  • Jul 10, 1509

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    Born July 10,1509 in Picardy, France. French Theologian and Protestant for Christianity. died in May 27,1564.