Reform, Reaction, and Revolution

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    Frederick William III

    Prussian monarch who ruled during and after Napoleon's reign. He wanted to unify the Protestant Churches and institute constitutional government.
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    Tsar Nicholas I

    Ruler of Russia who expanded his own power. He often used force to crush rebellions from his downtrodden people.
  • Union of Netherlands and Belgium

    Union of Netherlands and Belgium
    During the Congress of Vienna it was decided that the former Dutch Republic would merge with Austrian Netherlands. This conclusion was worked out by William I.
  • Establishment of Germanic Confederation

    Establishment of Germanic Confederation
    This alliance was established by the Congress of Vienna in order to economically unify the Germanic States. It ultimately collapsed due to revolution in 1848.
  • Karlsbad Decrees

    Karlsbad Decrees
    A set of reactionary laws implemented by the German Confederation that censored the press among other restrictions. The regulations were meant to quell notions of German unification.
  • The Peterloo Massacre

    The Peterloo Massacre
    A crowd of 60,000 people gathered at St. Peter's Field, Manchester to demand reform for parliament. The protests were led by Henry Hunt and authorities called in the military to stop him. Cavalry charged in to break up the protests killing 15 people and injuring over 400.
  • Italian Revolts Crushed

    Italian Revolts Crushed
    Revolutions against King Ferdinand broke out in southern Italy. The Holy Alliance of Russia, Austria, and Prussia crushed the revolution and scared off the leaders.
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    Charles X

    Successor of Louis XVIII, Charles was a highly unpopular king. His six year reign ended forcefully after his attempts to expand monarchic power. He was forced to abdicate the throne in the July Revolution
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    An Army Officer led group of about 3000 protesters fought against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne. However, Nicholas I suppressed the revolution.
  • Belgian Independence

    Belgian Independence
    Due to religious and social issues, the southern Belgium broke away from the rest of the Netherlands. This split was not recognized by William I until 1839.
  • Polish Uprising

    Polish Uprising
    Russia controlled Poland rebelled against Nicholas I and his occupiers. Other nations controlled by Russia joined in the efforts.
  • July Revolution

    July Revolution
    A response of the French people to the new measures implemented by Charles X. He reduced the electorate and censored the press, people revolted.
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    He ruled after Charles X's abdication. His policies led to economic decline and he was removed from the throne in 1848.
  • Polish Uprising Suppressed

    The numbers were in Russia's favor, and Nicholas I was able to crush the rebellion. Warsaw was used as a military garrison as a part of Russia for many years following.
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    Charles Albert of Piedmont

    Ruler of Sardinia who sought to expand his nation's reach. He aided rebels in fighting Austria, but this ended up being his downfall.
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    Ferdinand I of Austria

    Ferdinand ruled Austria until he was forced to abdicate in 1848. He promised reforms for the state, but was unable to deliver.
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    Frederick William IV

    Expanded reform in Prussia. Called for an assembly to write a constitution and well as implementing other progressive policies.
  • The Repeal of Corn Laws

    The Repeal of Corn Laws
    Trade laws meant to favor domestic grain producers were repealed. In result, grain prices decreased and caused great harm to the industry.
  • Election of Louis Napoleon

    Election of Louis Napoleon
    During France's Second Republic, the nephew of Napoleon was elected by republicans. Within four years, he became emperor.
  • Revolution in Germany

    Revolution in Germany
    A series of protests broke out in the German States as a display against the autocracy of the allied states. Ultimately, the revolution failed to unify Germany.
  • Revolution in Italy

    Revolution in Italy
    In a display of nationalism, the Italian states rose up against Austrian control. The revolutions were successful for a short time. But, were eventually overridden.
  • Abdication of Louis-Philippe

    Abdication of Louis-Philippe
    Following a lack of reformation measures in France, Louis Philippe was forced from the throne. In response, France established a provisional government. This required a constituent assembly to convene and draw up a new constitution.
  • Revolt in Austrian Empire

    Revolt in Austrian Empire
    Groups of many different nationalities revolted for various reasons against Austrian reign. In response to widespread chaos, Metternich was forced to resign.
  • Austrian Reclamation of Lombardy and Venetia

    Austrian Reclamation of Lombardy and Venetia
    The Italian revolutionaries were no match for the Austrian army. The empire crushed the Italian forces and took control of Lombardy-Venetia
  • Defeat of Hungarians

    Defeat of Hungarians
    After a government upheaval in Hungary, a civil war broke out. Russia came to Austria's aide and helped quash the revolutions occurring in Hungary.