Success journey

Reflection areas

  • The most interesting discoveries during the course

    The most interesting discoveries during the course
    Reflective practice helps create confident teachers. It develops your ability to understand how your students learn and the best ways to teach them.
    Self - reflection in learning. Without thinking deeply about how we learn, we can never gain the insight necessary to correct poor habits and affirm good ones.
    Deeper immersion into differentiation. When your clearly understand its importance. When your respect your learners and their uniqueness, you make time to listen to them.
  • Key points of the course

    Key points of the course
    Difference between assessment of learning (looks like a test, produces a grade, or a score and often interferes with learning) and assessment for learning (looks like a process, produces a description of what one can do, usually aids learning and helps them become autonomous.
  • What are some of the most interesting discoveries during the course? What are your current insights into learning and teaching affected by the course?3

    What are some of the most interesting discoveries during the course? What are your current insights into learning and teaching affected by the course?3
    Seven key elements of effective feedback :
    - EF is specific and clear
    - well timed
    - clearly linked to the learning intention and the learner understands the success criteria
    - focuses on the task rather than the learner
    - gives prompts at the right levels on how to move learning forward
    - offers strategies rather than solutions
    - challenges, requires action, and is achievable
  • What are some of the aspects of the course you would like to explore deeper?

    What are some of the aspects of the course you would like to explore deeper?
    I`d like to explore deeper my knowledge in lesson management. Varying interaction is important for keeping learners engaged and for fostering their creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication.I want to try some new methods for putting learners into pairs/ groups. Flipping the classroom is also a great idea, so we can use class time for assimilation of knowledge
  • What are some of the questions triggered by the course?

    What are some of the questions triggered by the course?
    Working on a teaching blueprints was rather challenging.I was thinking whether I was right or wrong. I understand clearly that collaboration is the best way of dealing with it, when your colleagues can help you and share their knowledge and experience
  • How will you use what you have learnt in the future and how will it affect your learners?

    How will you use what you have learnt in the future and how will it affect your learners?
    I will work more on providing effective feedback with my students because it`s the central part to any preparatory work. What has been done well and what are the next steps to improving performance?It will give learners confidence in what they can do and help them to understand where they need to impove. I also want to improve my lesson planning and add such point as possible problems and the ways to solve them.It will be useful both for me and learners
  • What are the things about yourselves above all others you would like to work to improve? What can you do for your further professional development?

    What are the things about yourselves above all others you would like to work to improve? What can you do for your further professional development?
    There is no limit to self- improvement. I will keep on learning to make better lesson plans and improve my lesson management skills. I have to enhance my professional skills and never stop. We should keep up to date in this developing world.