Compulsory Voting and the Turnout Decision Calculus
Shane P. Singh -
Everyday Making through Facebook Engagement: Young Citizens’ Political Interactions in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States
Ariadne Vromen, Brian D Loader, Michael A Xenos, Francesco Bailo -
Symbolic Meta-Policy: (Not) Tackling Climate Change in the Transport Sector
Ian Bache, Louise Reardon, Ian Bartle, Greg Marsden, Matthew Flinders -
Avoidance and Engagement: Issue Competition in Multiparty Systems
Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Peter B. Mortensen -
CPSU Legacies and Regional Democracy in Contemporary Russia
Alexander Libman, Anastassia V. Obydenkova -
Playing Kant at the Court of King Arthur
Robert Jubb -
Teaching Tolerance? Associational Diversity and Tolerance Formation
Carolin Rapp, Markus Freitag -
Relational Transformation and Agonistic Dialogue in Divided Societies
Sarah Maddison -
The Expanding Core and Varying Degrees of Insiderness: Institutionalised Interest Group Access to Advisory Councils
Bert Fraussen, Jan Beyers, Tom Donas -
Normalising or Equalising Party Competition? Assessing the Impact of the Web on Election Campaigning
Rachel K. Gibson, Ian McAllister -
How Do Land Takings Affect Political Trust in Rural China?
Ernan Cui, Ran Tao, Travis J. Warner, Dali L. Yang -
Realism, Liberalism and Non-ideal Theory Or, Are there Two Ways to do Realistic Political Theory?
Matt Sleat -
Political Performance: A Framework for Analysing Democratic Politics
Shirin M. Rai -
‘As Shakespeare so Memorably Said…’: Quotation, Rhetoric, and the Performance of Politics
Judi Atkins, Alan Finlayson -
How do Citizens Evaluate Public Officials? The Role of Performance and Expectations on Political Trust
Ben Seyd -
Methodological Nationalism, Migration and Political Theory
Alex Sager -
Democratic Discontent in Old and New Democracies: Assessing the Importance of Democratic Input and Governmental Output
Stefan Dahlberg, Jonas Linde, Sören Holmberg -
From Scepticism to Liberalism? Bernard Williams, the Foundations of Liberalism and Political Realism
Paul Sagar -
Participation, Representation and Expertise: Citizen Preferences for Political Decision-Making Processes
Joan Font, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Clemente J. Navarro -
A Dilemma of Green Democracy
James K Wong -
Populist Leaders and Coterie Charisma
Duncan McDonnell -
The Irrelevance of Legitimacy
Xavier Marquez -
Reward or Punish? Understanding Preferences toward Economic or Regulatory Instruments in a Cross-National Perspective
Niklas Harring -
The Influence of Voting Advice Applications on Preferences, Loyalties and Turnout: An Experimental Study
Zsolt Enyedi -
Technocratic Governments in Europe: Getting the Critique Right
Giulia Pastorella -
Friend or Foe? Testing the Influence of Populism on Democratic Quality in Latin America
Robert A Huber, Christian H Schimpf -
Is Populism an Ideology? A Refutation and a New Perspective
Paris Aslanidis -
Political Trust as the Evaluation of Process and Performance: A Cross-National Study of 42 European Countries
Tom van der Meer, Armen Hakhverdian -
Social Media, Professional Media and Mobilisation in Contemporary Britain: Explaining the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Citizens’ Movement 38 Degrees
Andrew Chadwick, James Dennis -
Radical-Left Populism during the Great Recession: Podemos and Its Competition with the Established Radical Left
Luis Ramiro, Raul Gomez