Redemption Assignment by Jess Phillips

  • 347 BCE

    Aristotle describes like with the Scala Naturae

    Aristotle was a greek philospher who came up with the Scala Naturae a scale of classes for animals/ beings.
  • 1 BCE

    Galen of Pergamon describes the human body

    ( AD. 130- 200) Galen was a Greek Meical Practitioner who studied the human and many animal bodies he mapped out organs, muscles how the heart works and preformed multiple directions of animals to collect data as well as working along side the gladiators.
  • Lamarck develops Hypothesis of evolution by means of acquired characteristics

    Lamarck developed a hypothesis about evolution and that it happens with species when the environment around them changes and that it is a life long process that will continue to repeat to help the species survive.
  • The Voyage of the HMS Beagle

    charles darwin a naturlist was on board of the voyage of the beagle they were to sail the coast of south africa and during the process Darwin documented the trip taking observations of the agriculture, animals, and taking collections of specimens from around the continent.
  • Alfred Russel Wallace published ideas of evolutionary processes

    Wallace was a well known naturalists who came up with the theory of evolution as well as Darwin. Wallaces' ideas was that evolution would only occur when one needed to adapt to an environment. He and Darwin actually worked together but unfortunately Darwin would be more known for the theory than Wallace.
  • Louis Pasteur refutes spontaneous generation

    The theory of Spontaneous genration was claiming that living things can come from the dead (maggots from rotting meat). Louis Pasteur disproved this theory with an experiment with beef broth; one being without a cover compared to one with.The one covered showed no growth compared to the one exposed to the air.Therefore he proved that the maggots came from something in the air like flies dropping eggs onto the rotting meat.
  • The Origin of species by means of Natural Selection is published

    A book written by darwin about natural selection and evolution
  • Gregor Mendel publishes works on inheritance of traits in pea plants

    Mendel claimed that parents pass on their genes to their offsprings. He began proving this by crossing pea plants. He then came up with the medal cross due to him realizing there is a 3:1 ratio during breeding. He contributed a lot to genetics and proving the knowledge of heredity.
    ( campbelles essential bio book)
  • The Germ Theory of Disease is published

    Louis Pasteur came up with the germ theory that diseases and sickness was actually caused by an organism (germ) he ran a few tests showing that mold only grows due to the particle being in the air just like germs are. The world was more religious at the time and made it difficult for him to prove himself.But Pasteur proved that these organisms do exist and due to his discovery we are now able to fight germs with antibiotics.
  • Period: to

    The Challenger Oceanography Expedition sails around the world

    between 1872-1876 this expedition was informed to map out the ocean life, geography, climates, current changes , etc.. It had its own laboratories on board and prepared for any specimen collections. It traveled from England and traveled around the world ending back in England. It collected countless data and helped provide a site into the diverse world.
  • Hardy and Weinberg independently develop the Hardy-Weinberg equation for determining allele frequencies in populations

    Hardy and Weinberg found an equation similar to menders cross but instead of just finding the genetic of their offspring they were able to solve for n entire populations genetic outcome.they also found out evolution would not occur if natural selection was not occurring or a big one being no migration in or out of the population population.
  • T. Hunt Morgan discovers sex-linkage

    Morgan Discovered that genes are also located on sex chromosomes and can be linked to that specific gender over the other due to the chromosome pair (XX, XY).
    (cambelles essential bio book)
  • Neils Bohr develops the Bohr model of atom structure

    Bohr believed that electrons circled(orbited) around the nucleus and were able to jump from one orbit to another one if the same energy was distributed equally amongst all orbits.
  • Frederick Griffith describes the process of transformation

    Fredrick Griffith discovered Transformation: changing of a normal cell into a cancerous fast replicating cell. He does an experiment using mice to prove this theory. During the experiment he realized the DNA is the transforming principle resulting in the discovery that genes are composed of DNA .
  • Theodosius Dobzhansky publishes Genetics and the Origin of Species

    Dobzhansky incorporated Mandels genetic inheritance and cross with Darwins theory of evolution with his own twist for better understanding of both topics with fundamental mathematics. He wanted to prove that the history of organisms and their evolution can be traced even with the drastic changes that may have occurred over time.
  • Ensatina described as a ring species

    *in the 1940 biologist Robert c. Stebbins recognized the ensatina as a ring species he was able to track their movement and realized they have traveled in a ring like pattern in California. Yet as they migrate they continue to reproduce & adapt to the areas. Stebbins realizes that they are all from the same ancestral species even though now they are now categorized as being their own separate species due to their differences.
  • Period: to

    Barbara McClintock describes transposons

    1940-50's McClintock discovered that some genes on a chromosome were able to be moved (change in correspondence) She also discovered that when they were changed they would change the gene expression along with it. Which the elements the are moveable are known as transposons.
  • Jacques Cousteau develops SCUBA

    Jacque Cousteau is known for being the biggest influence in scuba diving it was his passion. He and his partner created the aqua lung which helped scuba divers tremendously so that way they can breath underwater. Jacque also made multiple documentaries and books about the sea/marine life. He helped advance the world into exploring the sea.
  • MacLoed and McCarty determine that DNA is the molecule that carries the genetic code

    Macleod and McCarty found that DNA carried the genetic information by using digesting enzymes, alcohol, DNase, and detergent to find out what was the transforming principle unlike Hershey-Chase experiments that occurred later down the road by using a virus to test with experiments.
  • Miller-Urey experiments published

    Scientists Miller and Urey hypothesized how the building blocks (ex;ammonia) was risen from the ground do to the different atmosphere in the earths earlier life. Other scientists proved their hypothesis wrong. Realizing that most of the textbooks containing their experiments have been taught through out the world even though they were not true.
  • Beadle and Tatum publish the 1 gene-1 enzyme hypothesis

    Beadle had a hypothesis that one gene produces one enzyme which controls a specific outcome . He partnered with Tatum to prove this hypothesis by using Neurospora and adding vitamins or a specific amino acid to see if there was a chemical change.
  • Rosalind Franklin works with DNA and X-Ray crystallography and develops “Image 51”

    Rosalind Franklin developed x-ray images of protein structure and DNA molecules( image 51). Leading to Watson and Cricks discovery that the DNA is a double helix. Without her providing these documentations they would have never discovered this trait of DNA.
  • Hershey-Chase experiments are published

    Hershey and Chase ran series of experiments to test and prove that the genetic instructions were carried by DNA not protein
  • Watson and Crick propose the double helix model of DNA structure

    Crick and Watson traveled to Cambridge and met with Rosalind Franklin who was studying an X-ray of protein structure. Crick realized that it showed the structure of a DNA molecule and realized it was a double helix chain (sequence). From there Watson and Crick began studying the model coming to terms that the DNA molecule was very structured.
    (cambelles essential bio book)
  • Meselson and Stahl work with DNA replication

    Meselson and Stahl concluded watsons and cricks work for the DNA structure of having double helix was in fact true. After about 3 years of trying they were able to replicate an entire DNA sequence .
  • Nirenberg cracks the genetic code

    Marshall Nuremberg discovered the very first base pairs (3 to be precise) He realized the RNA transcribed for the DNA soon enough he was able to discover all 4 of the RNA bases. Without his discovery people would not be able to sequence DNA or know that each codon codes for a specific protein.
  • Endosymbiosis is described by Lynn Margulis

    Margulis theory was that Eukaryotic cells actually derived from prokaryotic cells ; by the Prokaryotic cell conjoin with another prokaryotic cell which then divided replicating itself producing eukaryotic cells.
  • Apollo 11 lands on the moon

    • the world was determined to have a human step foot on another planet the us was challenged by the president to be the first ones. on July 20,1969 Neil Armstrong (astronaut) would be the first man on the moon. The US launched Apollo 11 with restring inside and once it landed on the moon he took " One giant foot for mankind". It was a huge stone mark in world history to have man kind standing on the moon.
  • “Nothing in Science Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.”`

    The author insinuates that religious people are ignorant due to so much evidence of evolution being presented even though religious people choose to ignore the evidence and still believe in the bible and god.
  • Australopithicus afarensis “lucy” fossil discovered

    Discovered in Ethiopia was a fossil of a full body of what seemed to be one of humans great ancestors they named the ape like human remains Lucy. After many experiments to determine the fossil age nd how old the remains are. The conclusion was that Lucy was about 12-13 when she passed 3.2 million years ago. Lucy was determined to be unlike any other hominid species scientists have found before.
  • The Sanger Technique is developed

    Sanger Technique is a method of sequencing the base pairs of DNA. It was a quick and accurate way to make multiple copies of the same strand of DNA if needed.
  • Deep sea hydrothermal vents and associated life around them are discovered

    Underwater vents were discovered in the deep ocean close to volcanic activities it proves that not all plant life needed sunlight to survive but can actually live off of converting chemicals by living close to the hydrothermal vents releasing the minerals and chemicals. Adding a new section to biology.
  • Ernst Mayr develops the Biological Species Concept

    This concept is that all of the same species breed within their group and that species do not breed with other species.
  • Kary Mullis develops Polymerase Chain Reaction

    Mullis was able to speed up the process of copying a piece of DNA, Because of his discovery We are now able to select a specific strand of DNA and make thousands of the exact same replica of that DNA sequences if needed in a short amount of time.
  • Tommie Lee Andrews is convicted of rape

    Andrews was correctly convicted of raping & stabbing a 27 year old woman due to his DNA matching the semen collection from the victim.
  • Reproductive isolation as a consequence of adaptive divergence in Drosophila pseudoobscrura

    • the author Dodd is testing to see which obstacle comes first Premating or Postmating isolation, using Drosophila Pseudoobscura to gain more insight on the progress of the issue. He also noticed an adaptive divergence was created by the different environments he placed the species in over time.
  • The Innocence Project is founded

    By testing the DNA of a convict against DNA found at the crime scene the project is able to clear wrongfully convicted people and proving their innocence.
  • Dolly the sheep is cloned

    Dolly was the first animal to be cloned from 1 somatic cell resulting in the exact same genetic make up as the parent.
    (campbelles essential bio book)
  • Sahelanthropus tchadensis fossil discovered

    discovered in 2001 was a fossil believed to show man kinds oldest ancestor, it has traits that are similar to the primate family and the human family. It can practically prove evolution exists and it was a very big discovery in science and history.
  • Plasmodium falciparum is described as the causative agent of malaria

    plasmodium falciparum causes the fastest and most severe onset of signs. It is from the female mosquitos the p. falciparum is released from its salivary glands into the human blood stream at the same time while the mosquito consumes.
  • Human genome is fully sequenced

    • The human genome project became a world wide piece of work. Scientists believed that sequencing the human genome would open the door to many answers regarding the human species/body. They believe that now that it is sequenced it will provide information on how to prevent gene related disease,help create future preventitive medicine, and much more medical advances.
  • CRISPr/CAS 9 is identified and described

    The RISPr/CAS 9 is a machine that allows a person to make changes to a DNA sequence, by cutting adding/removing sections of the sequence and altering it. It made the process faster than the old way of radiation or gene targeting. It was created to hopefully help treat diseases since you are able to modify the DNA strand.
  • Homo denisova fossil discovered

    a bone (finger) was discovered in a cave in southern Siberia. Something was completely different with this bone it was not like any other fossil scientists have found before. They believed it to be a woman find but once the DNA was tested it tested to show that it was neither female nor male. The mtDNA did not match up with anything that has been tested from it was from a completely separate human species that they now have named Denisovans.
  • Richard L Bible is executed

    Bible was the first arizona case to use DNA technology to prove he was correctly convicted before having the death penalty. I claimed it would prove his innocence but the results came back a match to the victims blood on his shirt.
  • Spliceosomes were discovered and described

    spliceosomes contain proteins and RNA they assemble on RNA transcripts and cut the the sequence smaller to splice together the introns and exons.