“Red Star Rising” de Blij Chapter 8

  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to

    The Great Wall of China

    Built to prevent incursions from barbarian nomads into the Chinese Empire.
  • Rice Cultivation

    Rice cultivation was spread and common in Western Africa by the end of the 17th century.
  • Surface mining of coal

    Surface mining of coal
    In China, surface mining of coal started.
  • Period: to

    Surface Coal Mining Production

    Surface coal mining production was 4% of the ountry’s production rate.
  • Founding year of the People’s Republic of China

    Founding year of the People’s Republic of China
    The total production of coal was only 32.43Mt.
  • Surface Coal Mining

    Surface Coal Mining
    Production with coal decreased due to other technologies that are easier to use/ acquire and less efffective negatively to the enviornment.
  • The Great Wall of China finished

    The Great Wall of China finished
    When China began to get heavily polluted, the Great Wall of China was also polluted. This big structure began to get covered by smog and polluted items such as plastic water bottles.
  • Three Gorges Damn

    The Three Gorges Dam, located along the Yangtze River, became the largest functional damn in 2009.
  • Annual Coal Production

    Annual Coal Production
    The rate reached 3.24 billion tons, the surface mined production was about 9 percent.