red scare

  • 1919-1920: Palmer Raids

    Marked the first government crackdown on perceived subversive elements, setting a precedent for future anti-Communist actions.
  • Period: to

    Truman's Loyalty Order

    Initiated a wave of loyalty checks and dismissals in government agencies, contributing to the atmosphere of suspicion.
  • House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Established

    HUAC played a central role in anti-Communist investigations, conducting hearings and investigations into individuals, organizations, and industries.
  • Rosenbergs Executed

    The Rosenberg case became a symbol of the perceived Communist threat and contributed to heightened anti-Communist sentiments.
  • McCarthyism Peaks

    McCarthyism fueled fear and paranoia, leading to the blacklisting of individuals and creating a climate of suspicion and censorship.