
Red River Rebellion

  • Rupert's Land is Sold

    Rupert's Land is Sold
    The HBC sells part os 300,000 square kilometers of land to Lord Selkirk, AKA Thomas Douglas
  • Red River is settled.

    Red River is settled.
    Selkirk settles the Red River area with Scottish settlers. This means less space to hunt for the NWC
  • Pemmican Proclamation

    Pemmican Proclamation
    The settlers are having trouble getting enough food. Miles Macdonell bans people in the colony, mostly Metis, from trading pemmican with people from outside the colony.
  • Battle of Seven Oaks

    Battle of Seven Oaks
    Battle of Seven Oaks Flash animationThe Metis and the NWC were mad because they couldn't trade pemmican. The Metis, led by Cuthbert Grant, overpowered the current Red River governor (Robert Semple) and his men. They burned down Fort Dougas, and the settlers fled their lands.
  • Reclaim Rupert's Land

    Lord Selkirk came in with soilders and reclaimed his land.
  • Period: to


    A peacful period for the Red River Settlement
  • Rupert's Land is Bought by Canada

    Canadian Government buys Rupert's Land
  • Land Surveyors are sent out.

    Land Surveyors are sent out.
    Surveyors for Canada are sent out to try and lay out townships. They fail to recognize that the land is already owned. The Metis, with the help of their leader Louis Riel, chase the surveyors off.
  • National Commitee of the Metis

    National Commitee of the Metis
    Louis Riel forms the National Commitee of the Metis. This commitee is made to protect the Metis rights and culture.
  • Governor chased away.

    Governor chased away.
    The Metis chase off their new governor, William McDougal, before he even enters the Red River area.
  • Provisional Government

    Louis Riel creates a provisional government. Again, this is to protect the rights of the Metis.
  • 48 men are taken captive

    48 men are taken captive
    Riel storms the headquarters of the Canadian Party and takes 18 men captive.
  • Thomas Scott excecuted

    Thomas Scott excecuted
    Thomas Scott was excecuted for threatening the life of Louis Riel. This angered many people back in Ottawa.
  • Messengers negotiate with Canadian Government

    Messengers negotiate with Canadian Government
    Louis sends messengers to negotiate with with the Canadian Government
  • Manitoba Act

    Manitoba Act
    The Manitoba Act was apassed by the House of Commons. The Metis would get 200,000 hectares of land. They would also get freedom of land and religion.