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Red Rising

By HappyG
  • Garden of Misfortune

    Garden of Misfortune
    Darrow and Eo were cought in the garden and were punished by lashing, but Eo started singing a song that was forbidden, therefore she was killed
  • Dancer

    Dancer tells all the lie of mars to DArrow
  • The KIdnapping

    The KIdnapping
    On the first day of school for the Golds he was kinapped and forced to kill a kid named Julian Cassius's brother.
  • The Enraged Man

    The Enraged Man
    Cassius comes and
  • The Brother of Julian

    The Brother of Julian
    While battle, Jackal, someone from a different team, shows a holotape of Darrow killing Julian.
  • The Stabbing

    The Stabbing
    Cassius comes to Darrow and stabs to leave him to die
  • Saving Darrow

    Saving Darrow
    Darrow is saved by the leader of Minerva
  • The Army

    The Army
    Darrow makes a huge army with the Minerva leader and takes down most of the teams
  • Cheating

    Darrow has learned that one team has been cheating because the teacher was helping