Indian Renaissance
New books were being created which attracted a large audience. Some of their new books were "Custer died for your sins" and "Black Elk Speaks". This helped by making our literature better. -
Fisrt landing at Alcatraz Island
Five Sioux Indians claimed the island under the Fort Laramie. This allowed them to take the possession of surplus federal land. It took them 4 hours to transform the island into a cultural center and an Indian University. -
Powwow Circuit
Publicized news of protest activities across the country, which attracted the news media. It also inspired locsl chapters and writing about political issues. -
American Indian
They were the ones to address civil rights violations and later broadened to address human rights violations. -
In Minneapolis they protected the city people from polic abuse. Once they got this issue under control they created job training, house and eduaction programs to help the people better their skills. -
The Longest Walk of 1968
This is when the Red Power Movement highlighted issues through protests. This was when thousands of indians and a number of non-Indian supporters entered washington D.C. The purpose was a spiritul walkto support tribal sovereigntyand bring attention to the 11 pieces of anti-Indian legislation.. -
Government Issues
Native Americans tried to make it so that non-Native Americans couldn't fish in certain areas.Most got arreasted which made them go to the Supreme Court. -
Successful Suit
AIM has repeatedly brought successful suit against the federal government such as for the protection of the rights of treaties, sovereignty, the United States Constitution, and laws. -
Protesting at Government Buildings and on Indian Reservations
Indian activists stepped over the line from activism and protest and into the arena of violence. These activities attracted a great deal of national attention and prompted the FBI to step up its surveillance AIM. -
Spiritual Leaders and Elders
The spiritual leaders and elders took care of the testing for AIM's strength and stamina. No one has been able to destroy AIM. They are all encouraged to remember that the movement is greater than the accomplishments or faults of its leaders. -
The Attmpted Regain of Alcatraz Island
This was when a group of 89 indians, that were mostly all college students naming themselves "Indians of all tribes" claiming the island accoding to the 1868 treaaty of the Souix. -
Red Powers main goal
The Red Power movement is also known as the American Indian Movement (AIM). Its main goal was to try and get the federal government -
Occupation of Alcatraz
It began when about 80 to 90 American Indian college students took over the Island. It took 19 months before the federal agents escorted the last 15 students from the island. This would be the beginning of the National Red Power Movement. -
Sharing of land
The Indian population was over two million which was five times the number of people that was recorded in the 1950s. Half of the people lived on reservations that were 52.4 million acres in 27 states. -
Naval air station near Minneapolis
AIM took over the abandoned property and focused its attention on Indian education and that also led to grants that the well educated people got. -
AIM led their first protest
This was when the group AIM led their first protest by painting Plymouth Rock completely red and occupying the Mayflower II in Boston. -
Russell Means
Russell Means was a man who secured his spot in AIM as a chief spokesperson by leading the capture of the Mayflower replica on Thanksgiving Day. -
The Death of Raymond Yellow Thunder
Raymond was abducted and beaten to death when he was just 51 years old. After this incident there were protests, marches and boycotting at Gordon businesses. -
Red School House
Offered education for grades K-12 in St. Paul, Minnesota. -
Honor the Earth Homecoming Celebration
It honors the people of the American Indian Movement who participated in the July 31, 1971.