Protecting Wildlife from Trash
This document by Dr.Barbalace describes the impact of improperly disposed waste on wildlife and how that comes around to impact the human race.
http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/hazmat/articles/trash.html -
Protecting Wildlife from Trash
Dr.Barabalce describes the impacts of recycling and lack of recycling on wildlife and the human race. The impact of recycling is described as extremely crucial to preserving wildlife.
environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/hazmat/articles/trash.html -
Recycling has come a Long Way
This text by Sally Deneen provides insight on issues governing the sustainability of recycling as a method of efficient power using and reusing through recycling.
http://www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/news.feature/id/1338 -
How Do Things Change From High School to the Real World?
Author Kathreine Bradely compiles a text describing the habits of college students and how there is a tendency for college habits to be a long lasting portion of a person's life. Hence, one should aim on picking up beneficial habits.
http://oureverydaylife.com/things-change-high-school-real-world-15029.html -
The 3 R’s of Habit Change: How To Start New Habits That Actually Stick
James Clear describes the steps and approaches needed to be taken in order for an individual to build long lasting and beneficial habits.
http://jamesclear.com/three-steps-habit-change -
Marketing students impact campus recycling efforts
Penn State University professor, Steve Harmic, describes an experiment that took place at Penn State University that revolves around studying the effects of recycling on college campuses and how these efforts impact the community and the individual.
http://news.psu.edu/story/317863/2014/06/09/campus-life/marketing-students-impact-campus-recycling-efforts -
US Recycling: Green Targets - Taking Charge of Recycling
Author Ellen R Delisio targeted the lackluster of a well informed approach to recycling in the United States. Ellen denounces the lack of proper policies placed on the efforts of recycling which cause the U.S. to be lacking in comparison with other industrialized countries.