Personal Finance Timeline

  • Establish A Saving Fund

    Establish A Saving Fund
    Savings: Yes this does require saving option
    No planning
  • Buying A Car

    Buying A Car
    Savings: Yes this does require saving
    Planning: should start about a year in advance, depending
  • Receiving Higher Education

    Receiving Higher Education
    Savings: No This does not require savings or investments
    Planning:No Planning required
  • Starting A Career

    Starting A Career
    Savings: No This does not require savings
    Planning: doesn't need savings
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
    Ages: 26-45
    Savings: Yes depending on your wedding
    Planning:Yes planning is crucial
  • Buying A Home

    Buying A Home
    Savings: Yes this does require saving
    Planning: Yes this does involve planning you and your spouse are planning your future
  • Starting A Family

    Starting A Family
    Savings: Yes this does require saving. You have to save in order to support the budget
    Planning: should start about a year in advance, depending
  • Building Networth

    Building Networth
    Savings: no
    Planning: Doesn't require much planning
  • Retiring

    Ages: 65+
    Savings: Yes this does require saving
    Planning: should start about a couple years in advance