Rebecca Lewis P.4

By rlewis
  • 1632

    John Locke is born in england.
  • 1704

    John Locke dies.
  • 1776

    Thomas Jeferson barrows from Locke's ideas to write the declaration of independence.
  • 1671

    Locke writes his first draft of the essay concerning human understanding, in it are ideas of natural law; based partially on the writings of other.
  • 1690

    Two treaties of Cilvil Government by John Locke is published
  • 1689

    Essay concerning human understanding by John Locke is published.
  • 1696-1700

    Locke is appointed to the british board of trade even though his health is failing he is it most influental meber
  • 1666

    Anthony Ashley Cooper ''Lord Ashley" who is an important british politition meets a befriends Locke
  • 1668

    Locke is now Ashley's personal physican supervises a liver operation thats saves lord ashley's life and remarkabaly he lives another 15 years
  • 1665

    Locke reads Rene Discourse on the method and likes what he reads this work includes the famouse quote "i think, therfore i am"
  • 1689

    Locke meets sir issac Newton and thay become friends
  • 1652-1654

    After studying philosophy, medicine, law, and mathematics and graduation with multiple degrees Locke becoms a very important Professer at oxford college
  • 1683

    Locke's ideas about revolution against a government are linked to a plot to kill the king. Locke flees to holland, many that agree with him and Lord ashley are arrested for treason and some are killed.
  • 1679-1680

    Lock begins to write an pramote the idea of a social contract, he may not be the first but his soclial statuse will make the idea popular.
  • 1688

    Englands gloriouse revolution; Locke is welcomed by the new king and returnes to england.
  • 1670

    Because of Lord ashley's involvement in the new british colonies in american Locke is asked to write the fundemental constetustion of carolina