Unknown 14

Realism and Naturalism Era

  • "Leaves of Grass" is published

    "Leaves of Grass" is published
  • "My Bondage and My Freedom" is published

    "My Bondage and My Freedom" is published
  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    Lincoln-Douglas debates
  • John Brown leads a raid at Harper's Ferry

  • Abraham Lincoln is elected US president

    Abraham Lincoln is elected US president
  • South Carolina secedes from the union

  • Firing on Fort Sumter, civil war begins

    Firing on Fort Sumter, civil war begins
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Emancipation Proclomation
  • General Robert E. Lee surrenders

    General Robert E. Lee surrenders
  • "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is published

    "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is published
  • Baseball National League is founded


  • Thomas Edison patents the phonograph

    Thomas Edison patents the phonograph
  • Brooklyn Bridge is opened

  • Railroads adopt standard time zones

  • Statue of Liberty is dedicated

    Statue of Liberty is dedicated
  • Sino-Japanese war breaks out

    Sino-Japanese war breaks out
  • First pro football game played in Pennsylvania

    First pro football game played in Pennsylvania
  • "Call of the Wild" is published

    "Call of the Wild" is published
  • Henry Ford builds his first model

    Henry Ford builds his first model