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Life to Death
Graduates college
Reagan graduated Eureka College, where he majored in economics and sociolog. Reagan's political interests were obvious in college; he was student body president and he led in a student revolt against the people who wanted to tear the school down. He also was a good athelte in football and swim, as well as participating in theater, whcih would lead to a succcessful acting carreer later in life. -
Reagan campaigns for Eisenhower.
In his early years in politics, Reagan campaigned for many presidnets. This was before he official switched from a democrat to a republican, although he did campaign for different republican presidents. -
Campaigns Richard Nixson
Reagan campaigned for many presidents in his early political career. -
Changes party registration to republican
Becomes governer of California
Reagan defeated incumbent California Gov. Edmund G. "Pat" Brown by a lot. Californiasn were impressed with Reagan's political views and charisma after his "Time for Choosing" speech, which helped him win the election. His time spent governing califonria was very successful. -
Re elected Governer of California
Californians continued being impressed with Reagan's job gorverning. -
Announces candidacy for the republican nomination for president
his running mate was Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush. Voters troubled by inflation and by the year-long confinement of Americans in Iran swept the Republican ticket into office. -
He loses the Republican Party's nomination to Gerald Ford
A strong showing still helps Reagan's future election come easier. -
Announces his candidacy for president.
After winning the party's nomination, he chose George Bush as his running mate. -
Reagan is elected president of the United States
Reagan is elected president in a victory over Jimmy Carter. Reagan won 489 electoral votes to 49 for President Jimmy Carter, and most people were very happy with the outcome of the election. -
Sworn in as the 40th president of the United States.
On the same day, Iran releases the 52 remaining hostages who had been held at the U.S. embassy in Tehran for 444 day, because of Reagan's strength involving foriegn policy compared to Carter's. Reagan's successful foriegn policy continued throughout hsi presidency when he did the "peace through strength" campaign. -
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Shot in the chest
Reagan is shot in the chest upon leaving a Washington hotel but makes a full recovery after surgery. John Hinckley Jr. is charged but found not guilty by reason of insanity. -
Reagan appears before Congress for the first time since the assassination attempt.
When Reagan appeared in front of congress peole welcomed him and were happy to have him back, especially considering the wit and grace he used to handle the situation with. Reagan came back strong. -
Bad recession
The nation sinks into its worst recession since the Great Depression. More than 9 million Americans were unemployed. reagan did a good job geting our coutnry out of the recession successfully. -
Reagan defeats Mondale.
Reagan defeats Mondale. Reagan carries 49 states .525 electoral votes to Mondale's 10, and 59% of the popular vote. Most people were happy with the outcome. -
Begins 2nd term
Reagan begins his second term at age 73, making him the oldest president to be sworn in.