
  • The Sky is Falling by Betty Miles

    The Sky is Falling by Betty Miles
    This book was used by my first grade teacher to create a classroom play. It was the first time that I had done something like this and almost 15 years later it is with me.
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  • Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

    Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
    In the second grade this book was read to class by my teacher. This book is a series of short stories and though it wasn't a very education book, it became one of my favorite 3 book collections. I own all three to this day
  • Magic Tree House #3 Mummies in the Morning

    Magic Tree House #3 Mummies in the Morning
    This is the first book I recall that showed me a glimpse into history, the subject that enjoy the most. It was a book that I found entertaining and informational. Although, it was a fiction book it gave me a basic understanding of how to digest lore/history heavy books
  • Holes

    It was one of the first book that I read where foreshadowing and other literary device that I had learned about became apparent.
  • Mr. Love

    Mr. Love
    My Freshman English teacher who read us The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, and To Kill a Mockingbird. He changed the way I read and enjoyed books and re sparked my interest in reading.
  • Night by Elie Wiesel

    Night by Elie Wiesel
    One of my favorite books. This is a tragic autobiography about a teenager in of the Nazi concentration camps. An emotional book with so much description and power. It strengthened my obsession with history and history books.
  • Hills like White Elephant by Ernest Hemingway

    Hills like White Elephant by Ernest Hemingway
    This story changed the way I felt and handled short stories. Before I though these shorts were nothing but entertainment, but reading this gave me an understanding about two characters that some novels fail to achieve.
  • Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky

    Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    This book was a very depressing read and was my first introduction to nihilism. At times this book was very confusing and at other times very vivid. It expanded my use of literary elements.
  • Professor Jerry

    Professor Jerry
    Jerry was my English professor freshman year of college and she changed my outlook on why we read. We read to become better writers and we write to become better readers.
  • What's So Great About America

    What's So Great About America
    I read this book as a part of a political science course and it was a book that changed my look on some of the issues in contemporary America. It is a very conservative book and am consider myself a liberal person, but the author, Dinesh D'Souza, uses logos and pathos to his advantage.This book made me open to reading more conservative books.