My Reading Timeline by Kaeleigh Colston

  • I was born

    My parents have read to me since I was born.
  • I began reading independently

    I could read books all by myself.
  • Chapter books

    I began reading chapter books.
  • My First "big" Book

    I read a book that was big to me at the time - 72 pages - within 2 days. I was very proud of this.
  • I read the Junie B Jones series

    I would read a few chapters before going to sleep.
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

    I read the book, "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane". My teacher recommended I read it.I LOVED this book.
  • Zoe was born

    I read books to my little sister very often when she was little.
  • The Clique Series

    I heard a classmates review over The Cliques series so I started reading the books. I quickly grew attached to the series and read all the books.
  • Clayton was born

    I read books to my little brother when he was born.
  • First Smartphone

    I got my first smartphone and started reading articles online.
  • Struggles with Reading

    I started having trouble reading and my free-time reading came to a dead halt.
  • Devotional

    I read one chapter a week, or every two weeks depending on my schedule. I did struggle but the spacing of the font helped.