Samantha's Reading Timeline

  • My Mom Reads to Us

    My Mom Reads to Us
    Every night before bed, my mom would read stories to my brother and I. This got us wanting to learn the words in the books to be able to understand what she was telling us.
  • Entered Kindergarten

    Entered Kindergarten
    Entering Kindergarten started my education journey and required me to learn my sight words to begin reading on my own.
  • 2nd Grade Read-a-thon

    2nd Grade Read-a-thon
    In 2nd grade, we had a read-a-thon on who could read the most books in 1 weekend. I was the reigning champ because I had gone to the library and checked out over 30 books that I read entirely. This really began my passion for reading.
  • Library Weekends

    Library Weekends
    My dad would take us to the library every weekend so we could check out books. I would go through more than 10 books a weekend. This is where my ability to enunciate and pronounce words really came from.
  • 9th Grade Poetry Slam

    9th Grade Poetry Slam
    My teacher required us to create poetry that we would use to compete amongst eachother with. This helped us with our diction and begin able to work on flow.
  • Speech and Debate

    Speech and Debate
    Speech and debate required me to read more in-depth into texts, specifically Congressional bills so we could see the exact wording because those minute differences could make the bill an entirely different thing.
  • AP US History, AP Language, & AP Literature

    AP US History, AP Language, & AP Literature
    In high school, I took APUSH, AP Lang, and AP Lit. These classes required me to read in more depth than just the text in front of me. I had to make inferences, connections, and piece things together myself so I could understand what I was reading.
  • We The People (WTP)

    We The People (WTP)
    WTP was the most reading intensive thing that I have ever done in my life. I had to read and understand the US Constitution, bills, current news, and so much more. It was at this time that I felt like I was at my smartest because I was reading such word-intensive books like crazy.
  • 1st Preschool Job

    1st Preschool Job
    I knew how to read as an adult, but I had to relearn how to read like a child. I had to literally re-learn how I wanted to teach to reading to my 3 (1/2) & 4 year olds so that they would also be as excited as I was to read.
  • EDRL 471

    EDRL 471
    This college course has required me to really look at my self and understand HOW I actually read. Additionally, it's required me to figure out how I can teach ESL students how to attack the text to be able to understand.