Literary Journey

  • Period: to

    Daniel's Literacy Journey

  • Word Whammer

    Word Whammer
    One of my earlier memories of exposure to reading and language as a whole. Although the three letter limit did not allow me to become the reader I am today it certainly was a start.
  • My Favorite Books Growing Up

    My Favorite Books Growing Up
    My true reading journey began with books such as
    -Goodnight Moon
    -There's a Wocket in My Pocket
    - Where the Wild Things Are
  • My First Chapter Book(s)

    My First Chapter Book(s)
    After indulging in true literary classics like Goodnight Moon, I had to move on to my first chapter book. My first chapter book was one of the magic tree house books, my mother has told me that I started reading them in preschool yet I do not know how true that is.
  • The most crucial year

    The most crucial year
    I consider 1st grade the most crucial year for my literary journey. I must give credit to my first grade teacher he introduced the Pigeon series to us which I didn't learn much from those books alone we even wrote one as a class. My reading progressed very far I started reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid and more Magic Tree House books.
  • For the last time, I am NOT related to him.

    For the last time, I am NOT related to him.
    I think the most crucial book series in my literary journey would be the Harry Potter series. All the horrible jokes aside it opened my eyes to other books of this type. After reading this series, I started my favorite of all time, The Percy Jackson Series.
  • Partner Reading

    Partner Reading
    I began to read more and more "complex" books on my own but teachers loved to make us partner read. During these years partner reading was very popular in my classes. I remember me & my friend always partnering up and picking some superhero book to get through those long 10 minutes.
  • Losing love for reading

    Losing love for reading
    The 5th through 8th grade years were probably the time where I read the least on my own. It was more school assigned readings and books that did not interest me. These years made me lose love for reading a whole, I'd read books every now and then but not as much as I did in elementary school.
  • What I Read Today

    What I Read Today
    In high school I was able to rekindle my love for reading and I began to read on my own again. All of the reading I've done throughout my life has brought me to the books and literature I indulge in today. Currently I'm between two books and if you tried to show these books to a younger version of me they'd be dumbfounded.
    These books are "The Interpretation of Dreams"- Sigmund Freud
    & "The Righteous Mind"- Jonathan Haidt