I was born on this day at 7:00 AM at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA. -
Kindergarten with Mrs. Kodi
I remember Mrs. Kodi being a really sweet and sensitive teacher. I had friends in class named Timothy and Richard. Throughout the day, Mrs. Kodi would read to us and give us words to practice. -
1st Grade with Ms. Swanson
Ms. Swanson, I thought then, was the opposite of Ms. Kodi. Yes, very passioate about education and her kids, but very stern and strict in her delivery. This year is the year I began taking home books to get help reading through them. -
2nd Grade with Mrs. Montgomery
Ms. Montogomery was a great teacher. I remember her being very enthuiastic about her job and her delivery. She and my parents had a very close relationship, for my sakes. (Back then disciplining students in a Christian private school was ok.) I remeber Friday mornings, practicing words in the car with my mother before school in preparation for that day's vocabulary test. -
Period: to
9/11 happened my 3rd grade. I remember sitting in my science class at Academy of Excellence, during reading time, as we got news of the events. In the months and years following I remember reading and becoming aware of many literacies ie. books, videos, comics, etc that portrayed the events of the day and the aftermath and effects of the attacks. -
Period: to
TheBluford Series
I remeber in middle school (6th grade) I had read The Bully by Paul Langan and had fell in love with the entire Bluford Series. The books were so relatable to what society was telling me what the image of a Black male middle and high school boy was. It told me that eduation was not a priority and that there were often battles between living a sociable life and living one where you're looking out and doing things for your best interest. I liked the books becuse I could relate to them in some ways -
I also remember reading Holes by Lous Sachar in 6th grade. Mr. Bolden took time for us to read as a class each day and beak down the book to understand it. -
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
A classic. I rememeer Mrs. Richards spending time diving into the meaning and themes of this bok by Maya Angelou -
Period: to
Darlington School
Here, I was a 9thh Grader ar Darlington School, a boardng school at Rome. In the next for years, I'll have read Hamelet, Paradise Lost, Things Fall Apart, and attempted to read Heart of Darkness -
Summer Reading 2009
Summer of my sophomore year, the entire school has to read 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult. Truly a talented writer and a great book. I actually recommended this book to friends in college. -
Summer Reading 2010
I remember I was alot more reluctant to get throuh this book, but it was still a great book. Perhaps, I often think, you never know if you're spending your time wisely, when reading until you finish reading the book. This summer's reading was The Last Child by John Hart. Another fantastic book.