A Star is Born!
My mom read to me from the time I was born until I was able to read to her. It did not take long and I'm pretty sure it was a bitter sweet moment. -
An Inquiring Mind Wanted to Know
I was curious to how my mom knew the words on the page. I thought it was some sort of magical power and I wanted to possess it. After a lesson on phonics, I read my first book. -
I was set to take an entrance exam for school. I already knew how to read and I would read to my peers. -
Judy Blume
I was introduced to Judy Blume by my teacher. My first read was "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing". I was hooked, and I read the whole series plus other nooks she has written. -
Harry Potter comes to the US!
My mom stood outside in a line to get "Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone". I heard about the craze going on in the United Kingdom for this book and I had to see what the hype was about. I was excited! Here I became a serial reader. -
Books Galore
I read any and everything. If the summary on the back of the book sound interesting I was reading it. I read about 10-15 books every two weeks. My nose was always in a book. This continued on well into 2002 when a friend of mine let me borrow "Flowers in the Attic". -
Graduated 8th Grade
In 2003 my teacher did a unit on writers from the Harlem Renaissance. We read "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston as a class. The imagery in that book captivated us all. Even the guys were interested. This teacher was always reading to us. We appreciated it. That's how she got us to wind down. It was a literary environment. Everybody read something. -
Urban Fiction
I was a freshmen in High School and heavily reliant on my peers to knwo what to read next. I read "The Coldest WInter Ever' by Sister Souljah. I was hooked on novels about urban life styles. These books were about sex, scandals, drugs, money and murder. It was trash, but very entertaining. I also read what is now my favorite book "A Day Late and A Dollar Short" by Terry McMillian. -
I Love College!
I graduated from high school in 2008 and spent the next four years taking countless amounts of english classes. I took classes like: British Literature, Children's Literature, Greek and Roman Mythology, and Early American Literature just to name a few. I was heavily immersed in reading material. I was introduced to authors like Jane Austen. I still read for pleasure. I averagedabout two books per week. I still read series. -
Still Reading
I am still reading moderately. I search for free book sto download to my kindle application on my phone and I am always asking other people what they are reading. To this day, I will read anything.