
Reading Timeline

  • February 2007

    February 2007
    February 2007, was the date where I went to school in the United States for the first time in my life. My ELL teacher game picture dictionaries to study.
  • May, 2007

    May, 2007
    Mr. Thompson gave me my first reading log. It had to be signed by my parents every day. I read at least 20 minutes a day. Mr. Thompson knew that I was ready to have a reading log.
  • June-July, 2007

    June-July, 2007
    I went to summer school for English classes. In there, I learned parts of speech, grammar rules, and we learned different books every day.
  • October, 2007

    October, 2007
    Mr. Thompson thought that I was ready to move into advanced English Language Learners class. Mr. Hansen thought me different reading comprehension strategies. For example, answering questions about the story, writing a summary of the story, quizzes every Friday about the book. Tia Lola came to visit was the first book I actually understood.
  • January 2008

    January 2008
    My parents couldn't afford a computer at that time, so we went to the library to get my first library card.
  • 2010

    I read all the Twilight series for points. It was the first time that I read a novel understanding every event of the story. I did summaries of every chapter to study for the tests.
  • High School 2009- 2010

    High School 2009- 2010
    I went to SECTA High school, I still had ELL classes. I felt independent every time. My teachers at that time made me read and read books. Books at the library had points, every semester I had to have 25 points, which was about three books. Students earned those points by taking a test at the library.
  • 2011-2012

    I graduated from high school, taking literature classes. In my literature class we would use different strategies, such as anticipation guides, KWL Charts, and the use of Cornell notes
  • Fall College 2012

    Fall College 2012
    In college most of my classes are online, so they require more reading. Reading college-level books is what still helps me with my English.
  • Fall, 2017

    Fall, 2017
    Taking the course of "Teaching Literature," was the one that helped me the most. I learned the different awards that there are. I read 100 books for children and they are all in different categories: Poems, Fairy Tales, Caldecott Medal, John Newbery, and others.
    link to see the summary of my books: