Reading log 2013

  • Judy moody

    Judy moody
  • Ivy and Bean

    Ivy and Bean
  • Ivy and Bean:the ghost has to go

    Ivy and Bean:the ghost has to go
  • Ivy and bean:break the fossil record

    Ivy and bean:break the fossil record
  • The elephant in the garden

    The elephant in the garden
  • James and the giant peach

    James and the giant peach
  • moll moon

    moll moon
  • The fallen of the blade

    The fallen of the blade
  • Diary of a wimpy kid

    Diary of a wimpy kid
  • diary of a wimpy of a kid rodrick rules

    diary of a wimpy of a kid rodrick rules
  • Ivy and Bean:Take care of the baby sitter

    Ivy and Bean:Take care of the baby sitter
    Beans older sitter has become her baby sitter. bean is play outside when she hears the bad news about her sister nancy. Bean has to stay in because her mum and dad are going out and beans older sitter nancy is taking care of her.She has to stay inside her friend ivy tries to help her escape. But they found a secrest door when they were trying to escape to the attic.Read what they to next.
  • Ivy and Bean: Bound to be bad

    Ivy and Bean: Bound to be bad
    Ivy and Bean have to help someone whop is bound to be bad. They try to get he back to a nice boy. Also in the story they try to get animals on their side.this book is a great book to read.
  • Wedding Crasher

    Wedding Crasher
    Geronimo and his family has been invited to a wedding.Patience plaimpaws and Stevie stingysnout wedding.Trap (Geronimos coson) has been playing trick on geronimo all day.Geronimo fing out a secrect.
  • Save The White Whale

    Save The White Whale
    Geronimo stilton had look at his photo of his child hood memory at the Bay of Whales. He invite Petunia (or P) to the bay of Whale.He thought that it was going to be him and her but she ask if her neice Bugsy to come to so he said yes and he invited his nephew to come. They haved so up and down along their trip by they saved a live and tured a place back to the way things where.
  • Geronimo's Valentine

    Geronimo's Valentine
    Geronimo's Valentine was a bit of a mess because his friend needed his help with a special mystery. He has to save a painting, a person and save his valentine date. In the end there is a lot of chees cake.
  • Singing Sensation

    Singing Sensation
    In this story Geronimo has been ccaught singing in the shower by one of his good friends Champ. so a tell you more about the story..Geronimos friend knew that he was going to be a sensation. So Champ went to his friends that worked at Mousey Records. Champ got them to make geronimo a CD. Before Geronimo knew he was a sensation. But what Geronimo didn't know was that his CDs were getting pirate by a pussycat pulverizer or P.P. Geronimo safe the day once agian.
  • The race across america

    The race across america
    Geroimo stilton sets on a new adventure.Geroino's friend Bruce had left little suprise on geronimo's door step but geronimo did know it was him so Geronimo throught who would get me this.But after geronimo find out who it was then it go on a BIG adventventure and in the the end he flys
  • The Giant Diamond Robbery

    This story is about a great robbery that is going to take place at a a golf torament.Geronimo grand father has enterd geronimo and he self in a golf torament because Geronimos grand father parnter for it got sick.So they get ticked, hit and fool.
  • The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop

    The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop
    This story is about when Oz and lily's family move into the house that they were inherited.They got this house because their grandfatyher died. Their grandfather was a famous choclate maker.there are some evil villains are trying to find his greatest recipe.
  • The Mouse Island Marathon

    The Mouse Island Marathon
    This book is about how Geronimos friend Champ who signs up geronimo to do a marathon.Geronimo trains and trains to be the best.
  • Fun for the Secret Seven

    Fun for the Secret Seven
    This book is about a secret club called the secret seven. There a seven kids and they all like helping people.There is one kid (named bob) he is upset because a nice old man who's horse got hit by a cart and is back legs got hert. so the secret seven help get all the money to save the horse.
  • Wayside School Gets a little Stranger

    Wayside School Gets a little Stranger
    This book is about a whole lot of different storys about wayside school . The story in this book are all different like bring your pet to school day. How the school was closed for a number of day and many more different storys.
  • Ivy and Bean, doomed to Dance

    Ivy and Bean, doomed to Dance
    This book is about how Ivy get a book in the mail for Her grandma. Her and bean are so intersated in this book they want to start to do ballet. In the end they don't like doing it and they do not want to quit because they quit at everything.
  • Story bound

    Story bound
    Una love to read. At lunch time Una headed to her favourite spot in the librey but someone else was sitting there. so she moved to the corner of the row of books and sat down to read. When una was reading something shined in the row of books. So she put down her book and got that book. Then Una started to read this book but when she opened it her names was in the story and she started going into the book. Una finds so amazing people in the story but she wounder why she is in the book. Her new y
  • Story Bound

    Story Bound
    This book count as 2
  • The Mysterious Cheese Theif

    The Mysterious Cheese Theif
    This story is about another of Geronimo Stilton adventures. This time stilton got a letter from a strange mouse. He headed home and told thea, Benjamin and trap. About the letter and then trap told all of the stiltons. The letter said the the stilton name is a name of a great kings cheese so the mean that you and your family can not use the name any more. So Thea, benjamin, trap , grandfarther william,Tina and Geronimo headed off to great britan to see what was going on and there was a theif.
  • The Werepuppy

    The Werepuppy
    This is a story about a boy who is scared of werewolfs. Mickyes mother finds out that he is scared of werewolf and takes he to get a dog of his own so he is to learn not to be afaid of them. His mother, Maroigold (Mickys sister ) and Micky when to she a lady that sales dogs. Micky picks the scares looking dog that is grey. After that they go home and have bad times and good times.
  • Geronimo Stilton, secret agent

    Geronimo Stilton, secret agent
    This book is about how geronimo finds one of his friends from elementary school, his name is kornelius. kornelius is a spy and so is his sister veronica. After geronimo finds his friend his grandfather give geronimo a letter to look after but geronimo loses it and he dose not what kornelius help to find it.
  • The Curse of the cheese pyramid

    Geronimo stilon had taken on the gob of interviewina a famous archeaologist. The archeaologist took geronimo across desert to the Cheese pyramind. When he was there he learned about the secret of the seven wonder of the ancient Mouse world.