Reading Log

  • Horible History

    The horible history was very egdeacaitnil. I enjoyed learning about they samsons. I learnt how to make a pen out of a brid feather. One of there supers ststions were if the sun was red at sun set it would be carm the nexts day. It was strangd to her some of the kings names witch I can't remeber. I think that horible history is an awesome book.
  • Eric Liddell, Something greater than gold

    I think Eric Liddell was an amazing man. Not only was he incredibly gifted as an athlete he was also very humble and willing to share his knowledge to help others.
    He stood up for his personal beliefs and still came out an Olympic gold medal winner.
    "The Flying Scotsman" came from when he ran and leapt onto a boat, in order to catch the last boat to Canada.He showed great courage and leadership at all times, especially in Weihsien Internment Camp, in China, where he died at 43.
  • Horible History

    The USA was very interesting I found out about some of the deep dark secrets. Did you knonw that some of their werst outlaws we the some of their own police. In the 20th centry the USA gangsters smagled booze acrose form Mexico and once that strated they opened bars. In the 19th centry the night before adab linkon was shoot he had a vision dream about him getting shoot then that night at the ford thearter he was assasonated.
  • February, Conspiracy 365

    this book was interesting. I enjoyed all the mistrys in the book and all the exsiting things that he did. My favrot part was the when cal got traped in the oil tank. I disliked the the end when he leaf as hanging because now I to buyt the next book. my favourt charter was boges because of his brains. I enjoyed this book because of it mistrys charters and all the rest of the stafe I mechond.
  • Famous Five

    This book was very extsiting and full of adventure. I love how the the five worked together. My favorite character was Dick. I found it werd that Georgina was acting like a boy.I enjoyed this book and had lots fun reading it.Funny that my parents used to read these books when they were my age.
  • After

    'After' is an extremely interesting book about a boy who is hiding from the Nazis. it is set around the same time as 'The Boy in Stripped Pyjamas'. It is based around a young boy who has lived with an elderly man for 2 1/2 years. The Nazis decide to set the barn on fire and this sets Felix's course to find the Jewish Rebels to assist him in caring for his now injured elderly friend. Felix aids the Rebel doctor with his patience and learns medical skills in the process.
  • Pet Trouble, loudest beagle on the block

    Pet trouble was a lighthearted and funny book about a very serious teenage girl who inherits a Beagle from her famous Opera singer Aunt. The Beagle turns Ella's music practice into her worst nightmare as Trumpet, the Beagle, likes to "sing" as soon as Ella plays the piano and sings. This causes chaos with the neighbours, but also has an unexpected upside. Trumpet forces Ella to change her look on life and in the process Ella makes friends.
  • Pet Trouble, Runaway Retriever

    This book was an interesting book. It was about a golden retriever who keep runing away. He can open the doors in the house
  • Pet trouble mud puddle poodle

    This book was very interesting. It was about a girl named rosey. Roseys older brother danny friend parker bought do over and now all the siblins want a diffent kind of dog. Rosey keeps shoting on about getting a toy poodle so the have a compatison and rosey wins. So they go and get a toy poodle from a friend and instent at all what she expected it is a playfull and dirty little pup.
  • Funnest storie(Pule gennins)315 pages

    This book is fild with tones of little and amusing stories. Some of my favorts were Pildler on the roof, Little black bolls and to many rabbits.Pilder on the roof is about a young boy who go to stay with his arty, But he loves taking a pee in the garden but when his anty makes him stay in his room well read the book.
  • Aims booklet

    This book told me alot about the aims games in its self. It has told me alot about other team what colours they where they are from.
  • Alex rider scorpia rising Pg.450

    this book was about the teen spy alex rider. Alex is a 15/16 year old boy when his uncle died when (in stormbracker) he was 14 he was left to carry on the mission and now he is working full time for MI6. But now he is now being hunted by is old enamy scorpia is trying to kill him and now he is on the run.
  • The Phoenix files

    This book is about a young boy whos mum gets a job in Phoenix. Lukes mum and dad have just split up and lukes mum gets to keep him then out of nowhere his mum tells him that she has got a new job in phoenix. Little did luke know but the world is coming to an end and Phonix is the safest yet still the most dangerous place.
  • The hobbit 600+

    this book was a very interesting book considering that I watched the movie first.
  • Percy Jackson and the lightning thief 300+

    This book was awesome I love greek methoage.