Reading Journey

  • First Read

    First Read
    My mom started reading to me a few months after I was born. This is my first encounter of reading.
  • Preschool

    I was four years old and started preschool. Teachers read to us daily and we'd often go to the library.
  • Kindergarten

    In kindergarten, I started learning to read. I read in both English and Hawaiian since I was at an immersion school.
  • Kindergarten-2nd grade

    Kindergarten-2nd grade
    My parents took us to the library every weekend. I loved it. I remember my first books I would read were the Bernstein Bears collection.
  • 3rd grade

    3rd grade
    My family and I moved to Las Vegas. I was fully learning to read in English only since I was no longer at an immersion school.
  • Ms. French

    Ms. French
    One of my favorite teachers who taught English. She inspired me to read and write. She made it fun.
  • 7th grade

    7th grade
    I started to fully delve into reading. The Hunger Games Series is where I began to read young adult , fiction novels.
  • High School

    High School
    I began reading a series that my uncle and best friend were very into. We were able to talk about the books in almost like a book club.
  • Pregnancy

    I read everything I could when I was pregnant with my daughter. I did this to be sure that I could be prepared for anything. To this day, anything that is abnormal to me, I look it up and read articles and articles to compare.
  • Today

    Now, I like to read out of enjoyment and learning. I read fiction, self-help, and recently money management and real-estate.