Reading History Timeline

  • Learning Sounds

    Learning Sounds
    I added this because learning sounds was the very first thing that starts off anyone's reading history. You have to know the sounds first.
  • Associating Sounds with Letters

    Associating Sounds with Letters
    This is the next most crucial part of reading, if you cannot attach sounds and letters you cannot read.
  • Kindergarten

    This is when I started to learn how to blend and put things together, I remember sitting on the floor with classmates singing to create blends.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    I remember my mom as a teacher buying us whatever books we wanted from Scholastic. I always got the Spot dog books and I loved them so much.
  • Third Grade

    Third Grade
    My mom was still buying us a few books we wanted from Scholastic and I was OBSESSED with a series of fairy books with powers. That was the start of my love for reading chapter books.
  • Sixth Grade

    Sixth Grade
    This is when my love for reading really came to a halt, I had a hard time focusing in school and my ELA teacher was not helpful or kind and embarrassed me in front of my peers.
  • Eighth Grade

    Eighth Grade
    This is when my love for reading really kicked off, I met a girl who became my best friend and we read chapter books and talked about them nonstop. The Selection Series was one of those books and it opened a door to reading that I am so thankful for.
  • Ninth Grade

    Ninth Grade
    This year was the year that solidified reading for me for the rest of my life. At this point, I had a group of friends and we all read books and talked about them and would watch movies that were created about the books. Books because a fantasyland that I enjoyed. The Maze Runner Series was a huge series for me that year.
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    This year I was reading for assignments in school and then I would also read for fun when I was done, I remember my mom would try and take my books when I got into trouble because I wouldn't do my work around the house I would just read all the time. At this time I started reading books with much deeper meanings.
  • Currerntly

    Right now I read books all the time within different genres. I have a goal set to read over 24 books this year and so far I am on track to surpass that. Kindle Unlimited has become a friend of mine.