Reading History Timeline

By gazzahl
  • Beginning

    My parents and grandparents read to me as a child, at around 2 years old I imagine this happened a lot.
  • Reading alone

    Reading alone
    I remember being an avid reader in elementary school, this must have started around 5 or 6 years old.
  • Becoming more advanced

    Becoming more advanced
    When I was around 7 I was reading chapter books from my school's library. I'd complete them quite quickly.
  • Missing out

    Missing out
    I remember being upset by missing the storytime/reading circle at the end of my fifth grade class. Instead of being able to listen to my teacher read I was teaching Kindergarteners the alphabet. I do appreciate that experience as well, but I missed hearing the books be read.
  • First Big Series

    First Big Series
    I read the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini around this time. I bonded with some peers and talked about it into middle school
  • Waning

    Around this time I stopped reading quite so much as the reading required by school became more intense, and I became more involved in other hobbies.
  • Fanworks

    I remember getting a bit into fanfiction around this time, but I did not read all that much.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    After I graduated high school I remember wanting to read more. Some of my favorites included some required readings we did for English class, but I then found myself involved in college and still found myself not prioritizing reading for pleasure in my free time.
  • Essays

    At this time I remember being more into essays or analysis of works I enjoyed. This included some books but mostly revolved around video games. I enjoyed texts that picked apart other things I enjoyed.
  • Ressurgance

    I picked up a book called Gideon the Ninth as it was trending on the internet spaces I roamed. This book got me back into reading, but then life caught up with me again. I still have not gone back to reading the most recent book in the series Nona the Ninth, because of college, work, and other responsibilities.