Reading History Timeline

By Imiaht
  • Pre-k

    This the foundation of recognizing letters, colors, sounds and more. My first language is English but I attended a school where Hawaiian was primarily spoken. I learned in both Hawaiian and English.
  • Kindergarten

    I attended the same Hawaiian school and started learning basic CVC words. At the time my favorite book was
  • Second Grade

    Second Grade
    I remember my second grade teacher Mrs. Ishihara because she would have us read aloud sentences. I remember being so shy in the beginning until one day I remember saying a word wrong and a boy laughed. She immediately shut him down that everyone makes mistakes and that isn't something we should laugh about.
  • Fourth Grade

    Fourth Grade
    At this time I felt like reading wasn't my strong subject anymore. I started to feel more confident in Math and disliked reading. We would have reading campaigns where we get a huge event at each quarter if you met your reading words. I remember just rushing through books so that I could meet the word count. It started not to be fun because I felt like I was being forced to read.
  • Fifth Grade

    Fifth Grade
    At this time I am enjoying reading again because I had a teacher that would do fun activities for our reading block. We had lots of interesting books that year like the book Blackwater
  • Seventh Grade

    Seventh Grade
    Every morning for 15 minutes we would read. We would also read after lunch and recess for 15 minutes. We had to take AR tests and pass with a 7/10 or higher in order to show that we actually read the chapter book. I remember reading "A child called It". After reading that book I started to read more chapter books that were based on true life events. I started not being interested in the fiction chapter books. I wanted to read things that were based on real life events.
  • Ninth Grade

    Ninth Grade
    I transitioned from public to private school. Now I was reading actual textbooks. However, I was discouraged in my Freshmen year because I felt like I read slower than others in my class and I also struggled with comprehending what the reading was saying. Eighth grade was a breeze for me so I wasn't expecting high school to be hard.
  • Eleventh Grade

    Eleventh Grade
    I was in a literacy Fantasy English class and I enjoyed it so much. We did so many cool projects in this year of high school. I remember creating a huge word mural in one of our hallways. We read all of our books together as a class each reading a paragraph. We even annotated our books while reading. I liked reading during this time because we weren't required to read when we went home because we read the chapter in class.
  • College

    At this time reading wasn't a choice but required in order to understand what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life. I don't think I read for fun on my own time anymore because I felt like I was constantly reading and studying. I was in a BioChem major at the time so studying was nonstop.
  • Future Educator

    Future Educator
    Now I enjoy reading to learn and learning how to teach students to read. I look forward to learning new tricks from other teachers and even finding out a few on my own. I found a link to help young students become better readers.