
Reading History

  • The need to read

    The need to read
    I started reading at an early age. My mother had a hard time reading in English, so I was always the one who helped fill out forms. What stands out the most in my memory is filling out the patient information forms in the doctors office when I was four. I was sick often, so I got really good at helping my mom fill them out.
  • Kindergarten

    In Kinder I fell in love with Amelia Bedelia. I read those books all of the time. It is when I first started to read just because I enjoyed it.
  • Mail

    Once my mom noticed that I liked to read a lot it became my job to sort the mail. I had to sort out which was junk and which was important for her to keep.
  • Junie B. Jones

    Junie B. Jones
    My next love in books was Junie B. Jones. I think owned every Junie B. Jones books ever written.
  • Pen Pal

    Pen Pal
    In my third grade class we got pen pals from another school, so once a week we would write letters and that went back and forth for the entire school year. I really loved it and always looked forward to reading my Pen Pals letters.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    In fourth grade my librarian started reading Harry Potter and the Scorer's Stone to us. I fell in love. I have never loved a book as much as I love Harry Potter.
  • Book Reports

    Book Reports
    Middle school was the start of book reports! I hated it. It kind of took the joy out of reading for me. I think it was probably designed to get kids to read but it made me rebel.
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events

    A Series of Unfortunate Events
    I had to have another series to read in between waiting for new Harry Potter books to come out, so these did a great job at filling the void.
  • Paulo Coelho

    Paulo Coelho
    This is kind of a big jump, but I did not really find other books that I was obsessed with until this author Paulo Coelho. His most popular book is the Alchemist. All of his books are amazing though you can't put it down once you start reading.
  • Spiritual

    I have over the course of my reading career have always read the Bible or spiritual books. I feel that they add value to my life and help center me.