17 home libraries that look like something out of a fairytale

Reading History

  • Chrysanthemum

    This book brought in hilarious nostalgia for me. If you don't know, the little mouse is named Chrysanthemum. The little mouse loved her name until a girl named Victoria made fun of her. Do you see the connection yet? As a child, I was obsessed with any books that had my name and I decided to read this one.
  • Junie B. Jones

    Junie B. Jones
    Please tell me, I am not the only one who remembers this book series. My first or second-grade teacher would have her students choose a book from the reading corner and have us read for 15 or 30 minutes. The book caught my eye and I was hooked for a long time.
  • Magic Tree House

    Magic Tree House
    My memory from the first reading is horrible but I remember this book clearly. Magic tree house series was my childhood and helped with my reading. I recall reading this series for 15 minutes, every weekday, after school, and on trips. The magic tree house will be my forever go-to book.
  • Miley Cyrus Miles To Go

    Miley Cyrus Miles To Go
    Miley Cyrus was the biggest star and everybody loved her. It was a book about her life from behind the scene. The moment she got the role, her friends, her whole life. It was a time where I was heavily interested in the star's history. I finished the book in a month.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    This book did not become part of my life until later in my middle school education. This was the biggest, trendiest book that everyone wanted. Obviously, I wanted to read the book and loved it. I was able to get the whole series, even the one to create your diary and the behind scenes of the wimpy kid movie. It is obvious to say, this was my favorite book.
  • Holocaust Series

    Holocaust Series
    In 8th grade, we were going to have a Holocaust survivor and share their story. This brought in lessons and readings of multiple different books for to us read. The book we choose would be our upcoming project for a month.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    I have one word... Piggy. This was the most memorable book from my freshman year and would not leave my mind to this day. The movie and book were quite gory and did it made me cry. Lord of the Flies is a book I recommend for everyone to read.
  • Edgar Allen Poe

    Edgar Allen Poe
    I am not a poetry person. The majority of the time, it does not make sense to me but Edgar Allen Poe's dark and heart-wrenching poetry/story captivates me. He changed my perspective and narrowed my interest in reading.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    This is an amazing book and many people should read this story. I remember reading this book in my 11th grade English class and falling in love with the story. There are many hidden details in the story that really makes you think.
  • The girl who Loved Tom Gordon

    The girl who Loved Tom Gordon
    The most recent book I've read and fallen in love with is, 'The girl who Loved Tom Gordon'. I have not been much of a reader as I got older. In my final year at CSN, I was supposed to read this story for upcoming projects and lessons. This book was fantastic. I loved every minute, detail, and discussion about this book. I could not stop talking about it with my group for a project. It is my most recent favorite and enjoyed reading it.