reading history

  • Cam Jansen Mysteries

    Cam Jansen Mysteries
    These books were both filled with mystery and humor, I binge-read all of the series because I found it empowering and liked the female lead.
  • Holes

    This was one of the first books I read as a kid that struck a chord with me.
  • The Call of Cthulhu

     The Call of Cthulhu
    H.P Lovecraft got me back into reading because of how suspenseful the stories were. Cthulhu, in particular, was scary and mysterious and I had to tell everyone I knew about it.
  • My Friend Dahmer

    My Friend Dahmer
    During my serial killer fascination in middle school, I came across this graphic novel. It was written by someone who knew Dahmer as a young adult, and boy was it chilling.
  • Gone

    This is the only YA book I really enjoyed. It was a dystopia and the imagery is was so vivid, I could not put it down.
  • Comedy of Errors

    Comedy of Errors
    This was the first time I read Shakespeare and understood it! My teacher made us read it out loud to each other and then watch the movie, it made me appreciate it.
  • The Warrior Woman

    The Warrior Woman
    I picked this one randomly in school and fell in love with all these women's stories. It made me appreciate books based on women and different cultures.
  • Push

    You think watching Precious was hard? Try reading this from her perspective and her writing. This emotional ride was worth the read.
  • Titus Andronicus

    Titus Andronicus
    This was my second deep dive into Shakespeare, but this time with a tragedy. It proved to me that classic literature can be just as gory and violent as modern text.
  • Fun Home

    Fun Home
    This book made me cry! It's a queer coming to age graphic novel that reminded me of the relationship I have with my father, and I really appreciated that.