Reading History

  • Black Bear, Black Bear, What do you see?

    Black Bear, Black Bear, What do you see?
    When I was in Pre-Kinder I remember parents volunteers would read to the students individually and help us sound out the words.
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    The Kinder teacher would sit the classroom in a group circle and read this book to us.
  • a bad case of stripes

    a bad case of stripes
    This was my favorite book in the second grade.It made me smile and wonder how she got them strips on them.
  • Charlotte's Web

    Charlotte's Web
    In the third grade we were able to partner read with another classroom. This was the book we were assigned too.
  • Fifth Grade

    Fifth Grade
    In the fifth grade I was placed into the gifted program. They allowed us to read for an hour silently.
  • Senior Year English

    Senior Year English
    During my senior year of english Ms.Wood inspired us to read everyday and write in our journals about what we have read. I didn't think I would have loved to read as much as I do now if it wasn't for her.
  • Holes

    When the movie Holes came out I couldn't help to watch it. As soon as I watched it i was inspired to read the book. I enjoyed the book more than the movie.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    This book we read as a group in my ninth grade class. We read out loud and wrote about what we learned from the book.
  • Twilight

    I was obsessed with the twilight. This book was my inspiration to read all the four novels. It also allowed me to build character. I was able to be more social because of it!
  • reading writing and learning in ESL

    reading writing and learning in ESL
    In my EDRL class we are learning how to be future teacher and how to teach our students how to read and write the english language which includes ESL. EDRL has inspired me to read more in order for me to be knowledgeable and help my future students.