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Reading History

  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
    By 5th grade I had been forced to read many books but Charlie and The Chocolate Factory was the first book that made me fall in love with reading and being creative with words. It was fascinating to watch how words could create images within my mind that I created with the inspiration from the text. It was awesome to eventually watch the movie and have my ideas be brought to life.
  • Harry Potter Series

    Harry Potter Series
    My grandfather mailed me the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I remember reading through the whole book in a matter of days. It was a much larger book than anything I had previously read and I was so excited that there were many more books for me to explore in the future.
  • A Child Called It

    A Child Called It
    This was the first book that showed me the horror within reading and this book really effected me. I had a rough childhood as well and this book, while it was extremely sad, made me feel that I was not alone in my struggle.
  • A Man Named Dave

    A Man Named Dave
    This book was a sequel to A Child Called It, and it was important for the fact that it gave me hope that I could lead a normal life and make something for myself.
  • Face on the Milk Carton

    Face on the Milk Carton
    At this point in my life I was really only reading books that were required for school. This book was very intense but important and also very exciting to read and figure out what would happen next.
  • Twilight Saga

    Twilight Saga
    Really fun series that I was happy to have been apart of that reading era. It was very popular at the exact age group the book was targeting and it was fun to be apart of the culture. #teamjacob
  • Diary of Anne Frank

    Diary of Anne Frank
    This book for many people around the world brought a humanistic reality to the horror of the holocaust. Rather than it just being a reflective event, this diary gave a sad and relatable story to being a child in the era of the holocaust. It really changed my life and the book also is why I went into the field of becoming a historian.
  • 78 Degrees of Wisdom

    78 Degrees of Wisdom
    I like this book a lot because it taught me about reading tarot cards and giving me trust within my own intuition. It was the first book that I read that was against the religion I was forced to believe in as a child and made me feel much more at peace for my decision to leave christianity.
  • Restaurant Manager Handbook

    Restaurant Manager Handbook
    This book was very helpful for me as it taught a lot about running my restaurant
  • Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

    Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
    This was a great book and really opened my eyes to the oppression of black people during the slave era of American History. I cried many times while reading the book and am thankful that I had the privilege of reading it. I highly recommend it.