
Reading History

  • Junie B. Jones

    Junie B. Jones
    At six years old, I hadn't perfected the English language and Junie B. Jones hadn't either. Her improper language gave me a chance to hear and read the differences between good and bad grammar.
  • Sadako & the Thousand Paper Cranes

    Sadako & the Thousand Paper Cranes
    This book based on a true story is one I read every year as a child. I loved reading Sadako's true story. Her resilience and courage as she faced her leukemia always awed me. Whenever I read this story I was always thankful for my health and grew a little more sick of the idea of war. ( To find out why, read the book!)
  • Holes

    This book will forever be one of my favorites! (The movie is great as well) I loved reading about the history of the town and how it connected to the modern life of the main character. I learned to love books with simultaneous plots.
  • My Book of Bible Stories

    My Book of Bible Stories
    This is a book that I still have. I am a Jehovah's Witness and the lessons found in this book helped shape my love for the bible because I could understand it. This book has wonderful illustrations that made the bible real to me!
  • Tuck Everlasting

    Tuck Everlasting
    I first read this book in fifth grade, with my advanced reading group. The book explores immorality as well as the possibilities of why it is undesirable trait to have. On the contrary though I love the idea of immortality but in a different, kinder world, which is something I believe Jehovah god will accomplish one day soon.
  • Young People Ask

    Young People Ask
    This book was so crucial in shaping me. Some of the topics included were; dealing with family, sex, morals, love, and my free time. It many viewpoints for young people asking themselves questions on the before mentioned topics. This book made me realize how much my parents cared about my well being.
  • A Child Called It

    A Child Called It
    This book documents the second worst child abuse case in the state of California. It is based on a true life story. Every time I read this book I cry and am reminded of how wonderful my parents are. I read it every year to remind myself the importance of mental illness and the importance of being able to recognize the signs of child abuse.
  • What Does The Bible Really Teach

    What Does The Bible Really Teach
    This book was originally published in 2005. I however didn't delve deep into the study of it until I was bout 14. This book is amazing in carefully and detailed revealing bible truths, with historical accuracy and respect. I read it with all my Bible students and every time I consider it I find a new gem.
  • Middlesex

    This book is so interesting in the way the author unfold sit. The way it flip flops from current to past is so wonderful. When I read this book it reminds me of the importance of understanding people with differences and how important it is to remember our history.
  • New World Translation Of the Holy Scriptures

    New World Translation Of the Holy Scriptures
    As I have grown older I have grown increasingly appreciative of the bible. It honestly is the book that has shaped me the most. It inspires me to love history, to be honest, to have a love of neighbor, and to be grateful for all that I have.