Reading History

  • First Book

    First Book
    Everyone poops book by Taro Gomi. This was the first book I remember growing up, my aunt bought me it for my fourth birthday and it was funny every time I read it.
  • Period: to


    In the 2nd grade I received my firth holy communion in the church, leading up to this day we did bible study in catechism on Sundays where we practiced our reading. I stayed in Catechism until the 7th grade where I received my Confirmation. (Sunday school)
  • First Holy Communion

    First Holy Communion
    In the 2nd grade I received my firth holy communion in the church, leading up to this day we did bible study in catechism on Sundays where we practiced our reading. (Sunday school)
  • Period: to

    Accelerated Reader

    During my Elementary school days we participated in a program called accelerated reader where we would take quizez on books we red and earn points for correct answers, earning more points the more challenging and longer the book was based on reading level.(2nd-6th grade)
  • Where the Red Fern Grows

    Where the Red Fern Grows
    3rd Grade year was the year I read and finished my first chapter book on my own! I remember being proud of my self for reading this book because I was in 3rd grade and this book was rated at a 5th grade reading level.
  • Hank The Cowdog

    Hank The Cowdog
    In 4th grade we started reading the Hank the Cowdog series and that was the first "series" of books I had been introduced too where the same character was in multiple different books.
  • Kermit The Frog

    Kermit The Frog
    My fourth grade teacher Mr. Vigil would read to us during popcorn reading or class reading using a Kermit the frog puppet and he would read to us using the Kermit the frog voice as well
  • Tenochtitlan

    5th grade we started reading alot into history. The time events we read about were the aztecs and incas and we learne about the city of Tenochtitlan and the events that happened surrounding that area.
  • 6 flags Elitch Gardens

    6 flags Elitch Gardens
    For our 6th grade field trip, we had to reach a certain level on our Accelerated reader program. Students who reached the goal were rewarded with an extra field trip to 6th flags Elitch gardens in Denver Colorado. I remember working hard and reading extra books late at night in order to reach my goal!
  • Myspace

    By the end of 7th grade I had made my first form of Social media and I created a myspace. Starting there I did a lot more reading online from reading peoples "about me's" to the random questionnaires they had on there back then.