Reading Experiences

  • Early Exposure

    Early Exposure
    My parents read to me even before I was born. I specifically remember picking out books to read at bedtime every night.
  • Kindergarten

    This is when I began to learn how to read. From this point on, my mom would take my brothers and I to the library weekly to check out books.
  • A Day in the Desert

    A Day in the Desert
    In 1st grade, my class wrote and illustrated a book for a contest. We won and our book was published the following year.
  • Library Days at School

    Library Days at School
    Once a week, our class went to the library and the librarian would read a chapter out of a different book. The books that I remember best are "The Indian in the Cupboard" and "The Fairy Rebel".
  • PBS

    Watching "Reading Rainbow" and "Wishbone" at school and at home increased my love of reading.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    This is the first book series that I remember being obsessed with. The series inspired my imagination and to read more stories full of magical creatures.
  • Twilight

    This is the second series that I remember loving and eagerly awaiting the release of each new book.
  • Volunteering

    After high school, I volunteered at the elementary school that I attended. This mostly included reading books to Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students. This is when I made up my mind that I wanted to become a teacher.
  • Niece & Nephew

    Niece & Nephew
    My now 2.5-year old niece and 1-year-old nephew absolutely love books. They both bring one after the other for me to read to them whenever I visit. My niece has memorized "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?", and she "reads" it to me, now.
  • My mom

    My mom
    My mom has inspired and encouraged my love of reading for my entire life. She still shares her favorite books with me to this day, and now I share mine with her.