Snoopy reading

Reading Timeline

  • First journal article on reading disabilites

  • Fisrt reading clinic opend

  • First textbook devoted to remedial reading

  • Roots of early learning disabilites movement

  • launch of International Reading Association/ "The Reading Teacher"

  • Samuel Kirk, state certification, reading diagnostic test

  • ESEA- Elementary and Secondary Education Act

  • First issue of Reading Research Quarterly

  • Forerunner of No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was begun

  • Sesame Street and The Electric Company promote reading growth

  • Public Law 94-142, Education for All Handicapped Children Act

  • Growing closeness of reading disabled and learning disabled fields

  • Failure to Learn to Read: Formulating a Policy Problem

  • Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children

  • National Reading Panel report published

  • No Child Left Behind Act passed