Reading Chronology

  • Daycare Learning

    Daycare Learning
    I attended daycare for socialization purposes from the age of two until I started preschool. It was here that the foundation of reading and comprehending vocabulary were also reinforced, as my daycare had specified lesson plans appropriate for various age groups.
  • Bedtime Stories

    Bedtime Stories
    From the very first day I was born, my mother would read me a bedtime story every night. This became a cherished routine that enhanced my love of reading throughout childhood.
  • Early Childhood Reading

    Early Childhood Reading
    My mother and father always had books around the house and would constantly give me activity books to work on during the day. My mom would also make me watch educational television that helped me learn how to read and my other family members would work on my reading skills at home through flashcards reading as well.
  • Preschool Reading

    Preschool Reading
    This was the age where I actually began to conceptualize my love for reading My preschool had small reading groups that would work one-on-one with a reading teacher twice a week. It was here that we developed our basic literacy skills. This was also the age that I learned to read.
  • First Grade Reading Club

    First Grade Reading Club
    In addition to sports, my mother also enrolled me in a Reading Program at my local recreation center. We would meet every Tuesday and discuss books as well as practice creative writing. I developed reading and writing skills far beyond my grade level and grew more passionate about reading.
  • Afterschool Tutoring Program

    Afterschool Tutoring Program
    My elementary school had a program in which accelerated readers would work with their peers who struggled with reading and writing. I was partnered with two peers and had a great time learning and reading with them. The program enhanced my reading comprehension skills as well, because I had to learn how to reiterate what the text said in my own words so that I was able to relay it during tutoring.
  • Creative Writing Classes

    Creative Writing Classes
    My middle school offered reading and creative writing classes as an option for students who had accelerated and/or honors English. I enrolled in this class and the opportunity to read material that interested me reaffirmed my love for reading and writing.
  • Sixth Grade English

    Sixth Grade English
    My sixth grade English teacher, Mrs. Kromer, was incredibly enthusiastic about reading and writing. Her excitement about the day-to-day readings were contagious, and she always made reading fun and interesting.
  • Reading to my Little Sister

    Reading to my Little Sister
    I had recently become a big sister when I started high school, and the ability to read to her the same way that my mother read to me made me fall in love with the simplicity and creativity involved in reading all over again.
  • Twelfth Grade English

    Twelfth Grade English
    My very last English teacher in the secondary educational school system, Mrs. Bravo, challenged me to think critically about the content that I was reading. She pushed me to develop my comprehension skills and created a positive approach to reading in her classroom. She was my favorite teacher, and actually inspired me to teach Reading Comprehension/English Literature.