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Gigi Morris' reading history timeline

  • The Frog Prince

    The Frog Prince
    The first children's book I owned!
  • Comics reading

    Comics reading
    We have plenty of comics growing up!
  • Nancy Drew mystery novels!

    Nancy Drew mystery novels!
    My best friend got me started in Nancy Drew mystery novels.
  • Period: to

    Entered college!

    Started to buy college textbook. Never stopped being a learner!
  • Assassination of Benigno Aquino

    Assassination of Benigno Aquino
    This event started my political awakening which got me started reading political opinions and history.
  • Access to Internet

    Access to Internet
    Getting a job with international company provided me access to internet and it started my online reading habit.
  • Period: to

    Started to become entrepreneur.

    Starting a business made me read business books and motivational books!
  • Officially moved to USA

    Officially moved to USA
    Now I started reading more about US history and social sciences book.
  • Homeschooled my kids!

    Homeschooled my kids!
    I started homeschool my two boys! Relearned American phonics and read more children's books!
  • Started a Farm School

    Started a Farm School
    Learned to read agriculture books!