
  • Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    Grayson age 2 learns how to dress himself a small is praised by his parents allowing him to feel confident without this praise Grayson could feel like he is not good enough or able to do things for himself
  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    Grayson age 5 goes to his first day of school and joins a play group, this helps him learn interpersonal skill by learning to play with others his age, in this stage Grayson will begin to learn purpose as they begin to explore the world around them. If not successful they could feel inadequate or in the way.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Grayson age 6 is beginning to learn to read, this stage is important to develop his self confidence, learning to live to read this makes Grayson proud of his work. If they are not successful in this stage the could fail to reach river potential